On the event of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2021 under the theme of ‘Working together for a
World without Lead Paint’ a human chain was formed
October 23, 2021, Dhaka: Lead poisoning in children continues to be the most common cause of death in Bangladesh. With a view to that, Youth urged a regulation in total lead paints through a human chain organized by Environment and Social Development organization – ESDO today in front of Bangladesh High Court followed by a rally that ended in front of Raju Vashkorjo at Dhaka University.
Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) is observing 9th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week ILPPW-2021 in Bangladesh. The main focus of this event is to highlight the need to accelerate progress towards the global phase-out of lead paint through regulatory and legal measures. Hundreds of students, including members of the ESDO Team, Girls Guides, and other volunteers from other universities, joined the human Chain with banners, placards, festoons, and raised their voices in support of a world free of lead paint.
One of the most common forms of childhood lead exposure is lead paint, which can cause persistent and irreparable brain damage in children’s growing brains. Lead paint can lower intelligence quotient (IQ) and attention span, as well as degrade learning capacity and raise the likelihood of behavioral disorders. According to World Health Organization – WHO, there is no safe level of lead exposure in human health. Since 2008, ESDO has been working in Bangladesh to promote the reduction of lead consumption in paints and goods. ESDO’s initiatives aim to raise awareness about the hazards and risks of lead, particularly on the health of children and other vulnerable populations, and to organize stakeholder support for the passage of effective lead paint legislation and their efficient implementation.
International lead poisoning prevention week (ILPPW) is an initiative of the Lead Paint Alliance. The week of action aims to raise awareness about the health effects of lead exposure, highlight the efforts of countries and partners to prevent lead exposure, particularly in children; and urge further action to eliminate lead in paint through regulatory action at country level.
For more information please contact:
Golam Rabbani
Program Associate
Email: info@esdo.org
Mobile: +8801726-053420