Partnering with Private Sector in Disaster Management, Risk Response & Preparedness

Partnering with Private Sector in Disaster Management, Risk Response & Preparedness


The CSR Centre together with Oxfam & Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS) arranged a daylong workshop on ‘Humanitarian Actions and Standards for Private Sectors Management Staff’ at Nawaab Ali Senate Bhaban, University of ​ Dhaka on March 15, 2016. They called for Partnering with Private Sector in Disaster Management, Risk Response & Preparedness.

Conor Moloy, Program Manager, OXFAM Netherlands, Satyabrata Saha, Additional Secretary, MoDMR, GoB, Prof. Mahbuba Nasreen, director of the Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS), University of Dhaka, Mr. Abdur Razzak, Additional secretary of Ministry of Finance, GoB, Md. Abdul Qayyum, Director General of BRDB were present at the workshop. Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) participated in this daylong workshop.


Bangladesh is highly exposed to multi-hazards including earthquakes, floods, droughts, cyclone and landslides etc. Almost each and every year, Bangladesh faces these kinds of hazards and many people suffer due to loss of lives, livelihood, property and environment. Currently Oxfam is implementing its’ Humanitarian Capacity Building project with the aim of enhancing  capacity of Oxfam and its’ partner involving multi-stakeholders like Government, UN agencies, INGOs, Academic institutions and Private sectors to respond to humanitarian crises in an effective, timely and appropriate manner with an emphasis to the needs of women and other socially excluded groups.


The objective of this workshop was to sensitize the private sector in enhancing involvement in humanitarian work jointly with other relevant actors in a strategic way forward to reduce the risk of affected people and take part in emergency response maintaining humanitarian standards, policies and procedures.



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