Asian NGO Summit Towards Mercury-Free Dentistry: ‘Successful Strategies to End Use of Dental Amalgam in Asia’

Asian NGO Summit Towards Mercury-Free Dentistry: ‘Successful Strategies to End Use of Dental Amalgam in Asia’

World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry  in collaboration with Asian Center for Environmental Health and ESDO organized an ‘Asian NGO Summit Towards Mercury-Free Dentistry: Successful Strategies to End Use of Dental Amalgam in Asia’ on 30 May, 2016 at UNEP Regional office for Asia and the Pacific in the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand.Asian Center for Environmental Health in collaboration with ESDO and the World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry have been working assiduously for a long time to phase out mercury dental amalgam to build a toxic free, safe environment for future generation. In line with their effort World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry  in collaboration with Asian Center for Environmental Health and ESDO organized an ‘Asian NGO Summit Towards Mercury-Free Dentistry: Successful Strategies to End Use of Dental Amalgam in Asia’ on 30 May, 2016 at UNEP Regional office for Asia and the Pacific in the United Nations Conference Centre (UNCC), Bangkok, Thailand. NGO representatives of 9 countries including USA, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, China. Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines and South Africa.The overall goal of the workshop was to assist Asian countries in developing policies to phase down the use of dental amalgam. This summit has taken a strategic approach to prepare both regional and national level action plan to phase down/phase out dental mercury amalgam from Asian countries.

The overall goal of the summit was to assist Asian countries in developing policies to phase down the use of dental amalgam. The Specific objectives were to:

  • To share information about initiatives, activities and best practices of the Asian countries on dental amalgam phase down
  • To develop national action plans to phase down the use of dental amalgam.
  • To set Asian countries priorities in the phase out of mercury amalgam
  • To develop sub-regional strategies to effectively banish dental amalgam from Asia.



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