Swedish MP Meet ESDO team: Emphasized on Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh

Swedish MP Meet ESDO team: Emphasized on Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh

Dhaka 6, February, 2017: Two members Swedish Parliament Delegation meets with Environment and Social Development Organization team today at its office in Dhaka. They discussed on different environmental issues and emphasized on environmental pollution in Bangladesh, particularly e-waste pollution, traffic and urban pollution. Mr. Johns Holm and Ms. Nooshi Dadgoster,  Member of Swedish Parliament meet ESDO team as part of their five day visiting Bangladesh.

Swedish left party member Mr. Johns Holm said, we are now in a serious environmental degradation era and need to work together to protect our planet Earth. He said Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable country for environmental pollution and population. So to achieve sustainable development goalsthese two issues in Bangladesh is most challenging. Mr. Holm appreciate and encourage ESDO initiatives on chemical management and particularly successful campaign on e-waste, plastic pollution and lead free painting in Bangladesh and the region.

ESDO chairperson and former secretary Govt. of Bangladesh Syed MarghubMourshed welcomed the Swedish parliamentary delegation. He expressed gratitude and thanks to the delegation, and said as we have a long relationship with Sweden and better understanding,we can achieve SDGs goal and the challenges together. Syed Mourshedurge for knowledge, technology transfer and funding for people centered environmental initiatives.

Amongst others Mohibul Ezdani khan, County Counselor,  Stockholm county council; Professor  Abu JaforMahmood,Department of Chemistry, University of Dhaka; Dr.NazmulAhsanKolimullah, Pro-VC, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP); Professor Dr.Md. AbulHashem, Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University.  Dr. ShahriarHossain, Secretary General of ESDO, Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO represented their work, knowledge  and opinion on the above mentioned issues in Bangladesh.

About ESDO work:

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO is the pioneering organization of plastic (polythene) bag ban; and also the pioneer of e-waste, lead free paint, mercury-free dentistry and chemical management and POPs issues in Bangladesh and South Asia.

E-waste has become the fastest growing waste stream in Bangladesh. Every year  Bangladesh generates roughly 2.7 million metric tons of e-waste.  Since 2011, ESDO has been working on E-waste management program with the support of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN), under the auspices of the International SAICM Implementation Project (ISIP). ESDO has done many awareness and education program regarding this issue. It has conducted a survey in 2009 to 2010 to determine the volume of e-waste generated by a nominated six `E-waste’ products which include the televisions, computers, mobile phones, CFL bulbs, medical equipment and dental equipment. ESDO is still working on E-waste advocacy for formulation of national policy and management guideline in Bangladesh.

For more information:

Siddika Sultana
Executive Director
Tel: 912-2729
e-mail: siddika@esdo.org



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