Quick Recap of the COP1 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, 24 September, 2017

Quick Recap of the COP1 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury, 24 September, 2017

The first meeting of the conference of the parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Geneva, Switzerland is continuing from 24 September- 29 September, 2017. The meeting is being conducted under the theme of ‘Make Mercury History’. Sunday’s sessions of the meeting comprises of:

  • Regional meetings
  • Bureau meeting
  • Showcase events
  • COP1 opening
  • COP1 session
  • Knowledge lab
  • Contact groups

The plenary adopted the following documents-

  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/5 – Adopted
  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/6 – Adopted – except for Decision will be taken in the COW
  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/7 Adotped
  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/16 – Adopted
  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/23 – Adopted
  • UNEP/ MC/ COP. 1/15 – The whole document plus the decision has been moved to the COW.

Regional meetings started at 9 am and GRULAC accepted NGOs for 5 min in the beginning where IPEN made a statement.

Learn More: http://enb.iisd.org/mercury/cop1/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2017-09-25%20-%20COP1%20Geneva%20-%20ENB%20-%20English%20-%20Issue2%20SW&utm_content=2017-09-25%20-%20COP1%20Geneva%20-%20ENB%20-%20English%20-%20Issue2%20SW+CID_0cf10e6852f519a460bd9bf4ab9b0354&utm_source=cm&utm_term=httpenbiisdorgmercur


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