Highlights of the COP1 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury-25 September, 2017

Highlights of the COP1 to the Minamata Convention on Mercury-25 September, 2017


Following day of the COP1 on 25 September, 2017 comprises of some inter-participatory sessions. There is an interesting session of Knowledge Lab which is being hosted by the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry in between 6-9 pm. The other sessions are outlined below:

  • Bureau meeting
  • Regional Meetings
  • COP1 Session
  • MIA Clinic: Timing is between 1pm to 3pm.The MIA clinics and the LAND Thematic Session is taking place during this period. Elena and Dominique will be on the panel for land.
  • COP1 Session: Timing is between 3 to 6 pm.Haji and Solomon will be at the ASGM partnership booth talking about the projects they  have carried out under the FAO.
  • Knowledge Lab: It is being carried out from 6 to 9 pm. World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry hosts this knowledge lab.
  • Contact Groups*

There is also an NGO meeting which is to be held right after the plenary ends.



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