A declaration to phase out ‘Mercury Dental Amalgam’ in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mother and children within June, 2018 by BDS

A declaration to phase out ‘Mercury Dental Amalgam’ in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mother and children within June, 2018 by BDS

Dhaka, 10 March 2018: ” Mercury dental amalgam should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mother and children after June, 2018″ – The declaration came from Bangladesh Dental Society (BDS) in association with Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO through a press briefing. Yesterday (Saturday) in a press briefing at Dhaka Reporters Unity, BDS Secretary General Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul officially announced this decision.

Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul said, “Since Minamata Convention has already entered into an international force, Bangladesh is ought to phase out mercury added products by 2020 as a signatory of the convention.”

“I am hopeful that since Bangladesh is a signatory country of Minamata convention, Government will pay much attention to introduce regulations to stop mercury amalgam in dental treatment,” said Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Chairperson of ESDO.

The vapor that released from mercury dental amalgam poses neurotoxic effects for the neurological systems of fetuses and young children and considering its potential toxicity, mercury is enlisted in the top ten chemicals of major public concern by WHO. This is high time to drain out the use of mercury amalgam in dental treatment to save people as well as environment from the consequential fatal effects of mercury.

 “Mercury threatens not only our lives but also our environment. While many countries have already disallowed mercury amalgam, we, the people of Bangladesh, are far behind. For protecting our future, the use of mercury in dental treatment has to be outlawed right now,” said Dr. Md. Abul Kashem, president, BDS.

“Today’s declaration of BDS signifies a way forward towards phasing out dental amalgam for the treatment of the most vulnerable groups of its toxicity. A concrete regulation from the government alongside is an urge for the early ratification of the convention”, said Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Executive Vice President of World Alliance.

“In 2013 Bangladesh signed Minamata Convention, the global treaty to phase out all sorts of mercury uses to protect human health and environment from its detrimental effects. On that account this declaration will be an effective move towards supporting the convention,” said Siddika Sultana, Executive Director, ESDO.

As Bangladesh is a signatory country of Minamata Convention, BDS together with ESDO made a call to the dental surgeons of Bangladesh for putting an end to the use of mercury amalgam in the treatment of pregnant woman, nursing mother and children within June, 2018. In accordance with that they made an urge to the Government to officially prohibit the use and export of mercury and mercury containing products.


For More information,

Dr. Shahriar Hossain

Phone: 01711545066

Email: shahriar@esdo.org

Tahera Islam Rity

Phone: 01557019412



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