Minamata Convention on Mercury Regulation International Conference

Minamata Convention on Mercury Regulation International Conference

An international conference on Minamata Convention, which prevents health damage and environmental pollution caused by mercury that caused Minamata disease on a global scale, has begun in Osaka, Japan on a three day schedule from the 27 May. On the conference team of Minamata mercury waste expert has gathered.

The conference was attended by the team of Minamata mercury waste expert. About 40 Government officials and researchers from various countries that signed the Minamata Convention, including Japan, the United States, China and Indonesia joined in this conference. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General of Environmental and Social Development Organization (ESDO) has also participated in this conference.

This treaty was adopted at the UN conference held six years ago in Kumamoto Prefecture to prevent similar health hazards and environmental pollution on a global scale.

The treaty includes the proper management of batteries, thermometers and fluorescent lamps that use mercury of a certain concentration or more when they become waste.

However, according to UNEP the concentration of mercury regulation has not yet been decided and there are different thinking arises that it will cause health damage depending on the country. Due to this reason, there are cases where mercury containing waste is not properly managed in developing countries.

The conference will mainly discuss proposed international rules for waste management, such as the concentration regulated by the Convention and the concentrations causing health defects. This rule is expected to be formally decided at the conference of the parties to the Convention, which will be held in Switzerland in November this year.


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