Press Statement on “ESDO Hails High Court Ruling Ban on Single-Use Plastic”

Press Statement on “ESDO Hails High Court Ruling Ban on Single-Use Plastic”

We are grateful to the High Court of  Bangladesh for their ruling (06 January,2020) on enforcement of existing ban on polythene bags and failure to control use of single use plastic and, order to develop & implement work plan to control use of single use plastic & find safe alternatives by 2021.

On behalf of the ESDO, Chairperson Syed MarghubMurshed, Dr. ShahriarHossain (Secretary General), Ms. Siddika Sultana (Executive Director) gave a joint statement and expressed their gratefulness over yesterday’s (Tuesday, 7th January, 2020) ruling of the High Court Division’s order to the authoritieseconcerend to strictly enforce the ban of polythene bag and to enforce ban on use of single-use plasticby 2021.

In their statement they said, “This rule ordered by our High Court is a landmark for the country and a positive recognition to ESDO`s movement against the usage of polythene and single-use plastic which has been our organization’s diligent work for the last three decades. They also said that this rule will protect our country`s environment from the plastic pollution and give a positive outcome through the joint efforts of the Government, ESDO and public”. ESDO has called the relevant ministries and concern authorities to take steps towards implementation of this ruling. 

In this statement ESDO has also given their sincere thanks to Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA) along with other 10 organizations for their support and petition of ban over the usage of polythene bags and single-use plastic packaging/ product. They thanked AdvocateSyedaRizwanaHasan, chief executive of BELA and Advocate Syed Ahmed Kabir for conducting the hearing.

ESDO also praised the role of media and electronic print media for their movement against the pollution of polythene and plastic bag in this statement. They said that electronic and print media gave continuous coverage and published reports which played a special role to raise a public awareness against polythene pollution and single-use plastic.

On behalf of ESDO, they also expressed their gratitude to the government and the people of Bangladesh for their role on protecting the environment and urged them to continue their support and appropriate initiatives to implement the court order.

Nazma Ahmed

Program Associate

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO

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