Human Chain to observe BFFP Global Week of Action 2019

Human Chain to observe BFFP Global Week of Action 2019

Dhaka, 14th November, 2019: The top 5 global plastic polluters are Coca-Cola, Unilever, Nestle, Pepsico, Mondelez International has been identified. The global contributors to the plastic pollution identified from the brand audit conducted by Break free from plastic globally in September, 2019. As part of Global Week of Action under the Break Free from Plastic movement, Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO has organized a human chain by demonstrating against the top 5 corporate plastic polluters on Thursday in front of the National Press Club.More than 100, team members of ESDO, Girls’ Guide and media have joined in this human chain.

Every day the plastic pollution crisis seems to grow. The major plastic polluters don’t manage their plastic waste effectively. After the brand audit, #breakfreefromplastic aims to reduce the plastic waste by pressurizing the companies through show demonstration against the top plastic polluters globally.

Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways and oceans.However, the chemical structure of most plastics renders them resistant to many natural processes of degradation and as a result they are slow to degrade. The billions upon billions of items of plastic waste choking our oceans, lakes, and rivers and piling up on land is more than unsightly and harmful to plants and wildlife. Plastic Pollution is a very real and growing threat to human health and environment.

On the occasion of World Cleanup Dayon September 21, 2019, individuals andorganizations around the world mobilizedtheir communities to conduct clean-upsand brand audits to hold corporationsaccountable for the extensive use of single-use and throw-away plastic packaging intheir products.Break Free From Plastic engaged72,541 volunteers in 51 countries to conduct484 brand audits. These volunteers collected476,423 pieces of plastic waste, 43% of whichwas marked with a clear consumer brand.

BFFP is an international movement envisioning a future free from plastic pollution. Since its launch in September 2016, nearly 1,500 organizations from across the world have joined the movement to demand massive reductions in single-use plastics and to push for lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. Brand audit is an important initial step of BFFP towards the formation of single use plastic pollution free world. The primary objective of brand auditing is to audit and identify top corporate single use plastic polluters whose products are largely contributing in creating plastic pollution. Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO is one of the foundingmember of Break Free From Plastic.


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