Third Virtual Session to launch a network on “Bangladesh Network for Banning Single-Use Plastic”

Third Virtual Session to launch a network on “Bangladesh Network for Banning Single-Use Plastic”

“Single-Use Plastic is the most toxic pollutant in the plastic waste stream, to protect the ecosystem and public health it is an urgent need to Ban SUP Immediately”. Activists and experts urged the government to initiate necessary steps to ban single-use plastic in Bangladesh. To address this need Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, in collaboration with Plastic Solution Fund – PSF organized a virtual session to launch a network on “Bangladesh Network for Banning Single-Use Plastic” and invited the different organizations to join this group to work united against plastic pollution.

For enabling the ‘Break Free from Plastic-BFFP’ membership drive, the group is formed to focus on particularly banning single-use plastic items and urges legislation to ban single-use plastic in Bangladesh which is putting our lives in danger and creating environmental health issues.

Different Organizations such as Songshoptaque, Institute for Environment and Development (IED), Environment, Climate Change, and Social Development Initiative, Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum-CEHRDF, Environment, and Agricultural Development Association, Prattasha Samazik Unnayan Sangstha (PSUS) Songshoptaque attended the webinar and agreed to join the group. They exchanged their views on the SUP waste management situation in Bangladesh and they were enthusiastic to work for a sustainable environment.


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