ESDO and Green Voice jointly conducted Brand Audit in Chittagong City

ESDO and Green Voice jointly conducted Brand Audit in Chittagong City

Chittagong 24 September 2022: Chittagong city and Potenga Beach are littered with single-use plastic waste. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Green Voice conducted a day-long Brand Audit at Chittagong University and its surroundings and Potenga Beach to reveal the mask of the corporates who are responsible for plastic pollution.

Around 100 participants from Chittagong’s Green Voice organization joined together and conducted the brand audit. The audit was monitored and supervised by ESDO.

Plastic pollution has become a global crisis now. To stop plastic pollution, Break Free from Plastic organizes this brand audit movement throughout the world in search of the top corporate plastic polluters. The motive of this year’s agenda doesn’t only limit to finding out the corporates accountable but also, marks the beginning of the negotiations for the world’s first Global Plastic Treaty, a legally binding international law aimed at reducing plastic pollution worldwide, covering the full life-cycle of plastic. This is a historic step forward in the fight against plastic pollution, but there is still a long road ahead as the negotiations continue throughout the end of 2024.

ESDO organized the Brand Audit for the 5th time in association with Plastic Solutions Fund and Break Free from Plastic.

Brand audits are a community-based citizen science initiative that involves recording data on plastic waste to help identify the companies responsible for plastic pollution. Since 2018, ESDO as a BFFP member organized brand audits and provided data that contribute to the annual global “BRANDED” reports. Through these reports, our movement has been pressuring the top polluting corporations to reveal their total plastic footprint, reduce production at the source, and redesign their packaging for refill and reuse. We’ve seen some exciting impacts – such as top plastic polluter The Coca-Cola Company announced a new voluntary goal of at least 25% reusable packaging by 2030 – but companies still have a long way to go.


For more information, please contact:

Hridita Ferdous

Assistant Program Officer, ESDO


Mobile: +8801762-053420


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