About us


Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO is a non-profit and non-government organization based in Bangladesh. It is working to spread the message about the need for environmental conservation – to ensure the protection of biological diversity and ecological balance. Since the official formation of ESDO in 1990, we have focused on generating knowledge amongst the […]

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Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO conducts consultations, webinars, workshops and meetings with government agencies, relevant stakeholders, project partners, industrial associations, health professionals, multi sector group of people about the adverse effects of lead in paints and mercury in consumer products, dental amalgam and other hazardous toxic metals.Dialogue with policy makers, press briefing, mobile campaign […]

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Our Capacity

ESDO is successfully running community mobilizing and awareness-raising campaigns. We initiated the “Anti-polythene/plastic Campaign” in 1990, which resulted in a complete ban of polythene shopping bags throughout Bangladesh. This campaign has been replicated around the globe- in India, Japan, UK, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Nigeria, Egypt, USA and Australia. ESDO is working to raise awareness […]

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Who We Are

ESDO is a membership based action research organization consisting of 42 members in general council. General council has the authority to elect an executive committee for 2 years and the executive committee is responsible for organizing policy formulation, regulate the operational management of the organization. The executive committee appoints the operational team. Advisory council Executive Committee […]

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