Adapt Zero Waste Lifestyle and Turn Your Waste into Resource!

Adapt Zero Waste Lifestyle and Turn Your Waste into Resource!

Dhaka 25th July 2022: ‘Building zero waste communities can help us to reduce waste and drive greater resource productivity and also create a circular economy for Bangladesh’, said Habibun Nahar, MP, Honorable Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

A Documentary Screening titled ‘Journey Towards Zero-Waste Community’ was organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with Alliance Française de Dhaka today (Monday) at Alliance Française de Dhaka, Auditorium Nouvelle Vague. The purpose of the animation documentation screening on Reduce, Refuse, Reuse & Recycle and Waste Segregation was to show the fact how life can be easier and healthier by adapting the 4R approach. Another video documentary on an easy way to lead a Zero-waste lifestyle featuring renowned singer Rezwana Chowdhury Bonna, veteran actress Dilara Zaman and outstanding actor Azizul Hakim was also premiered. Habibun Nahar, MP dignified the event as the chief guest. She said, ‘This current practice of consumption has devastating effects for humans, wildlife, and the planet and all this clearly underlines that our current practice of consumption and managing waste is not at all sustainable, and its high time we shift to zero waste approach.’

The first video was an Animation Documentary consisting of 4 different episodes named Reduce, Refuse, Reuse & Recycle and Waste Segregation. Each episode focused on the action it is named after which will help people to move towards zero waste lifestyle approach. The screenplay and animation were done by Mr. Tushar Tuhin, of Tuli Creations. The second set of visuals, directed by Anjir Liton, shows the easy way to lead a Zero-waste lifestyle featuring renowned faces of Bangladesh. Rezwana Choudhury Bannya, an esteemed singer and academic, showcased her own rooftop garden in this visual and drew attention to the fact how easily our kitchen waste can be turned into organic fertilizer and can be used in our gardens. Dilara Zaman, a distinguished film and television actress has drawn attention to the greater detrimental impact we are causing on our own health & environment by choosing single-use plastic items in our day-to-day life. Prestigious actor Azizul Hakim described how a simple act of household waste segregation can create a very positive and bigger impact on saving our environment.

Session Chair, Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of Bangladesh and Chairperson of ESDO said that Several success examples of community engagement in developed and developing nations have reinforced the concept that municipal corporations cannot function in isolation and that waste management requires the active participation of all stakeholders..

Md. Moniruzzaman, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change graced the event as special guest. He stated “Waste segregation and reuse have been highlighted in the Solid Waste Management Rule 2021. We think that with the community’s spontaneous engagement, we will be able to create a sustainable waste management system.” he added.

Guest of Honor, Keya Khan, Project Manager, Ministry of Women and Child Affairs highlighted the need of creating a Zero Waste Community in order to achieve a Sustainable Waste Management System in Bangladesh.

Monnujan Khanam, Senior Policy Advisor, Economic Affairs and CSR, Embassy of the Netherlands in Bangladesh stated ‘By 2050, the Netherlands hopes to develop a circular economy, or a waste-free economy that relies mostly on renewable and sustainable raw resources and recycles both products and raw materials.

Azizul Hakim, a renowned Bangladeshi television Actor, and Director featured in an video on waste segregation. He said, “To save our health and environment, waste segregation is very important. We Can Save the environment by segregating and managing this waste and for that 4R concept is required.”

ESDO’s Secretary General Dr. Shahriar Hossain said that The zero-waste method will create a circular economy in which “waste” becomes a resource for something new. This will also create decent, green jobs since materials will be recirculated indefinitely through our economy rather than being utilized once and then discarded or destroyed.

Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO said “The issue of waste mismanagement remains one of the most pressing environmental issues that Bangladesh faces. Today, through these documentaries, we can see how life can be easy by adapting zero waste lifestyle. We should all adapt to this lifestyle and make the country more sustainable for our future generation.”.

A plaque of appreciation was awarded by the Chief Guest to our Rezwana Choudhury Bannya, Dilara Zaman, and Azizul Hakim for their outstanding contribution to the environment.

Also, a plaque of appreciation was also awarded to Anjir Liton and Tushar Tuhin for their creativity and videography.

Furthermore, a plaque of appreciation and a shawl was honored to the Chief Guest of the event Honorable Deputy Minister, Habibun Nahar, MP by the Session Chair Syed Marghub Murshed for her magnificent contribution towards environment and ensuring environmental sustainability.


About ESDO

Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO is a non-profit and non-government organization based in Bangladesh. It is an environmental action research group dedicated to a toxic-free, zero-waste planet. ESDO is working relentlessly to ensure biological diversity since its formation in 1990. It is the pioneer organization that initiated the anti-polythene campaign in 1990 which later resulted in a complete ban of polythene shopping bags throughout Bangladesh in 2002. From then ESDO is tirelessly working for building a pollution free environment in Bangladesh. ESDO has recently launched a project titled “Building Zero Waste Communities for a Pollution-Free Environment in Bangladesh” which focuses on establishing a Zero Waste community model towards ending environmental health risks and community wellbeing as well as accelerates the circular economy in Bangladesh.


For more information please contact:

Hridita Ferdous

Assistant Program Officer – ESDO


Mobile: +880172605342


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