An Open Forum entitled ‘Single Use Plastic: Hidden Cost of Health and Environment’

An Open Forum entitled ‘Single Use Plastic: Hidden Cost of Health and Environment’

An open forum entitled ‘Single Use Plastic: Hidden Cost of Health and Environment’ has been organized by ESDO at the Mymensingh City Corporation Auditorium, Mymensingh on Saturday,15th February 2020.
Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh has graced the event as the Chief Guest. Around 100 people from different stakeholder groups attended the event including-experts, activists, government officials, academicians, policy makers, media and the general public.
The participants expressed their solidarity with ESDO’s ‘Ban Single Use Plastic (SUP)’ campaign. They urged the government or concerned authorities in issuing regulation to ban manufacture and use of single use plastic in Bangladesh by 2021 in compliance with recently published High Court ruling.


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