Asia Pacific Consultations on Minamata Convention on Mercury in preparation to the INC7

Asia Pacific Consultations on Minamata Convention on Mercury in preparation to the INC7

Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General, Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO is participating, “Asia

and the Pacific Regional Consultations”: 20 to 22 January 2016, in Jakarta, Indonesia.This consultation is one of the series of regional consultations which are held in preparation for the seventh session of the intergovernmental negotiating committee on mercury (INC7). It is scheduled to be held in the Dead Sea Area in Jordan, from 10 to 15 March 2016.

It is expected that the consultations would include presentations of the documents available for INC7, followed by discussions among Governments and possible development of positions for the various issues to be addressed at that session.


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