Asia Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the 5th Meeting of the COP to the ...

In Bangkok, Thailand, the Science Policy Panel OEWG Asia Pacific Regional Meeting is now taking place both in person and online. The gathering will take place immediately after the Minamata Asia-Pacific regional gathering, which will take place there on September 5 and 6, 2023. Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO, is currently representing ESDO at […] Read more »

Policy Dialogue on “Plastic Pollution Towards Plastic Treaty Negotiation.&...

The Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) organized a policy dialogue on “Plastic Pollution Towards Plastic Treaty Negotiation” in order to highlight the urgent issue of plastic pollution and the necessity for global cooperation to overcome it. Ecosystems, animals, and human health are all negatively impacted by plastic pollution, which has grown to be a […] Read more »

The seventh Global Environment Facility (GEF) Assembly

The seventh GEF Assembly is a crucial time to assess progress toward the 2030 goals of reducing pollution and environmental degradation, halting climate change, and fostering inclusive, locally driven conservation. The seventh GEF Assembly will be a crucial stocktaking session for the 2030 goals to stop pollution and nature loss, battle climate change, and advance […] Read more »

Webinar on Consultation on the Environmental threat of “Single-use plasti...

Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) organized a webinar entitled Consultation on the Environmental Threat of “Single-use Plastic” on July 27, 2023, to observe Plastic-free July and to share experiences of working to end plastic pollution. Students from ESDO’s Plastic-free Campus Project joined this session and shared their experience of the environmental education camp, how […] Read more »

Mobile Campaign to Observe Plastic-Free July

To observe the Plastic-free July, a day-long mobile campaign was Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO on July 8, 2023, in various locations in Dhaka city. An engaging message of “Combat plastic pollution” was successfully disseminated across this mobile campaign to increase awareness of the urgent need to stop plastic pollution. The Plastic Free Foundation, […] Read more »

The Debriefing on the Post-discussion of the Second Intergovernmental Negotiatin...

A Debriefing Meeting on Discussion on the Second Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-2) on the Global Plastic Treaty was conducted by the Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO). The goal of this conference was to address INC-2, the statement made by Bangladesh and the ESDO at INC-2, and the specifications for a “zero draft” of the […] Read more »

ESDO Celebrating 33 Years of Glory!

ESDO celebrated its 33 years completion on 6th June 2023. The founding of the ESDO in 1990 is a testament to the commitment to creating a sustainable future for our planet. ESDO has made a lot of progress over the years when it comes to advocating for environmental protection, encouraging sustainable practices, and increasing awareness […] Read more »

ESDO’s Statement at the 2nd Session of International Legally Binding Instr...

The 2nd Session of International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastics Pollution, including the Marine Environment is currently taking place in Paris from 29 May to 2nd June. On behalf of ESDO,  Siddika Sultana Executive Director of ESDO, Dr. Shariar Hossain, Secretary General of ESDO, and Shanon Iffat Alam, Research & Campaign Associate are participating in […] Read more »

Environmental Education Camp of Plastic Free Campus (PFC) Project at Rangpur Zil...

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized the environmental education camp on the 24th & 25th of May 2023 under its Plastic Free Campus (PFC) project at Rangpur Zilla School and Rangpur Girls High School. It was a two-day-long environmental education camp along with an opening ceremony on the first day. The opening ceremony was inaugurated […] Read more »

Book Launching Ceremony of Plastic Free Campus Project

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, partnered with MTBL and MAUSHI, held a book launching ceremony for the Plastic-free Campus Project. The program was inaugurated by the Honorable Chairperson of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Saber Hossain Chowdhury, MP. The education materials- student books, teacher manuals, posters, handouts, […] Read more »

Environmental Education Camp under Plastic Free Campus (PFC) Project at Lalmatia...

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized the first session environmental education camp on the 10th & 11th of May 2023 under its Plastic Free Campus (PFC) project at Lalmatia Girls High School. It was a two-day-long environmental education camp along with an opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was attended by representatives from the Directorate of […] Read more »

ESDO Statement on Listing of Chemicals in Annex III to the Convention: Chrysotil...

The BRS Triple COP, comprising the 16th meeting of the COP to the Basel Convention, the 11th meeting of the COP to the Rotterdam Convention, and the 11th meeting of the COP to the Stockholm Convention, convene in May 2023 that is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from May 1 to 12. On 9th […] Read more »

ESDO’s statement at 2023 BRS COPs

On behalf of IPEN and ESDO, Dr. Shahriar Hossain and Siddika Sultana intervene on hazardous waste and illegal trade, plastic waste transboundary movement. The statement focused on Matters related to the implementation of the Convention: Basel Convention Partnership Programme (Environmental Network for Optimizing Regulatory Compliance on Illegal Traffic). Read the full statement Read more »

Highlights of 8 May from 2023 BRS COPs

The approval of resolutions pertaining to technical assistance for developing countries under the Basel Convention commenced the day. More choices were made quickly to forward the development of policies for managing e-waste, lead-acid batteries, and other batteries, including lithium-ion batteries. Discussions related to waste didn’t stop there. Delegates continued to work on the technical criteria […] Read more »

Highlights of 7 May from 2023 BRS COPs

The Basel Convention came into focus to begin the second week. It’s time for the Basel Convention to start taking on concerns relating to its implementation after considerable work was finished under the Stockholm Convention and began under the Rotterdam Convention. These cover a number of topics that aid nations in disclosing data on the […] Read more »

Highlights of 4th & 5th May 2023 from 2023 BRS COPs

Highlights of 4th May The Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions have three different working paces: hurrying cruising, and stuck. It was possible to think about how the BRS Conventions collaborate with a wide range of organizations, including those that deal with health and the environment, to protect people and the environment from harmful chemicals […] Read more »

Highlights of 3 May 2023 from 2023 Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rott...

There are several initiatives to improve the Basel Convention, the oldest of the three Conventions, so that it more accurately reflects modern waste sources and management. In this attempt, discussions of Annex IV (disposal activities) are included. Countries debated how to handle waste that is exported for repair or refurbishment. According to others, adding this […] Read more »

2023 Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventio...

The Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm (BRS) treaties addressed a variety of topics pertinent to both these treaties on chemicals and wastes. The broad issues that nations face while implementing and adopting ambitious steps on chemicals and waste are strongly tied to these accords. The BRS Conventions considered providing developing nations with technical support and financial […] Read more »

2023 Conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventio...

The BRS Triple COP, comprising the 16th meeting of the COP to the Basel Convention, the 11th meeting of the COP to the Rotterdam Convention, and the 11th meeting of the COP to the Stockholm Convention, convene in May 2023 Highlights of 1 May 2023 Basel Convention The technical guidelines for various wastes were a […] Read more »

Women’s Month Celebration 2023

Women’s Month is celebrated by Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO). On this occasion, the organization arranged a webinar at Zoom Platform on March 23, 2023, from 4 to 4:45 p.m. (GMT +6), titled “Chemicals in Agriculture and Textile: Affecting the Health and Development of Women.” At that meeting, Siddika Sultana, the executive director of […] Read more »

ESDO’s Statement at Thirteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of ...

The thirteenth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group took place from Tuesday, 21 February to Thursday, 23 February 2023, with pre-meetings, including Bureau and regional meetings, held on Monday, 20 February. Given the 3-day duration of the meeting, the Working Group turned its attention to items in its work programme deemed to be of high […] Read more »

ESDO’s Statement for BRS Regional Meeting

The goal of the regional preparatory meetings is to support the conferences of the Parties (COPs) in 2023 in having successful meetings by providing regions with the opportunity to consult with one another beforehand, consider meeting materials, discuss substantive issues, pinpoint regional priorities and challenges, and facilitate the formulation of regional positions. Currently, ESDO’s Secretary-General […] Read more »

Resumed 4th Meeting of the Intersessional Process for Considering SAICM and the ...

Highlights for 2nd March 2023 After hearing reports from Wednesday’s meetings in plenary, the Co-Chairs presented their revised consolidated document, which included all work completed as of Wednesday’s end and would serve as the foundation for future discussions. Targets, a measurability framework, implementation procedures, and budgetary concerns were the focus of thematic groups’ daylong and […] Read more »

Highlights for 1 March 2023_IP4_SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals and ...

The Co-Chairs’ proposal to restructure the single consolidated document to increase coherence, which they planned to use as the foundation for discussions on Thursday and Friday, was presented to the plenary on Wednesday morning after reports from the meetings on Tuesday. The rest of the day was spent working on draft wording for the objectives, […] Read more »

Highlights for 28 February 2023_IP4_SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals ...

Highlights for 28 February 2023 The delegates divided into thematic groups to work through text proposals on targets, mechanisms to support implementation and financial matters after a brief morning plenary to hear reports from Monday’s meetings and presentations of new text proposals for the post-2020 instrument for the sound management of chemicals and waste and […] Read more »

Resumed 4th Meeting of the Intersessional Process for Considering SAICM and the ...

Highlights of 27 February 2023 The resumed fourth meeting of the Intersessional Process (IP4) of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) convened on Monday and focused on: airing new formal proposals for the “Beyond 2020” instrument on the sound management of chemicals and waste; narrowing the proposed targets for the instrument to 20; […] Read more »

Media Briefing and Report Launching of “Visual Pollution in the City of Dh...

Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) recently launched its new study report entitled “Visual Pollution in the City of Dhaka: A Public Health, Environment and Traffic Distraction” through a media briefing. Visual pollution is a major cause of vision and mental health problems. Every year, an estimated 270,000 children in Dhaka suffer from eye fatigue […] Read more »

Day 4: Highlights of OEWG1-2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the ...

On 2nd February, there was considerable focus on the inter-sessional work required to help realize a successful Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) process in 2024. Work proceeded in contact groups throughout the day, before delegates came together to hear updates in the late afternoon. Contact Groups’ discussion again focused on scope and functions. In the morning, […] Read more »

Day 3: Highlights of OEWG1-2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the ...

On 1st February 2023, discussions focused on the objective, scope, and functions of the panel in a contact group that met throughout the day. In the morning, informal consultations focused on a potential capacity-building function. In the stocktaking session, countries heard updates and established a contact group on the organization of work. The discussion included […] Read more »

ESDO’s Statement to Ad hoc Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on a Science-po...

The resumed first session of the ad hoc open-ended working group (OEWG) on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution is currently taking place in Bangkok, from 30 January to 3 February 2023. On behalf of ESDO and as a participant organization of IPEN, […] Read more »

Day 2 Highlights: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Manage...

Highlights of 31st January 2023 Discussions firmly focused on substantive issues. There was an initial exchange of views on the panel’s functions before delegates met in a contact group on scope and functions. In the evening, informal consultations were held between interested parties and the Secretariat to provide clarifications on the budget. Preparations of Proposals […] Read more »

Day 1: OEWG1-2: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Manageme...

Highlights of 30th January 2023 In March 2022 the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) agreed in resolution 5/8 to establish a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution. Substantive discussions will begin at the resumed first Open-ended Working Group meeting (OEWG 1-2). The first session featured […] Read more »

Orientation workshop on “Plastic-free Campus” with Teachers and Girl Guides ...

The Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized a two-day orientation training with the teachers of the targeted schools and the Girl Guides on the 23rd and 24th of January 2023 following the successful inception workshop for the “Plastic-free Campus” project. The purpose of this orientation was to prepare the teachers and volunteers for future PFC project […] Read more »

To Enhance Sustainable Environment ESDO and MTBL Initiate “Plastic-Free Campus...

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTBL) initiated the “Plastic-Free Campus” to ensure a sustainable environment. For this perspective, an inception workshop was officially initiated on Sunday, 22nd January 2023 in Dhaka. This initiative aims to build second-generation leadership, inform the young generation of the toxicity of plastic, and […] Read more »

Report Launching of “Lead in Paints: A Significant Pathway of Lead Exposure in...

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO conducted research to analyze the market situation of lead used in paints. The study shows that despite the 90 ppm standard set by Bangladesh Standards Testing Institution- BSTI, lead is found in high concentrations in different paints. This finding was revealed in ESDO’s new study report titled “Lead in Paints: […] Read more »

ESDO’s statement at 1st session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Commi...

On behalf of ESDO and as a participant organization of IPEN, Executive Director of ESDO Siddika Sultana intervened on the 4th day of the INC Session. She focused on other aspects, including scientific and technical cooperation and coordination, research, and awareness raising. In her statement, she urged INC to adopt the precautionary principle in making […] Read more »

Day 3, 4 and 5: 1st Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to de...

Highlights of 30th November 2022 Delegates began to share their concrete visions of what they believe the future plastic treaty could look like at the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) to develop an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, in Punta del Este, Uruguay. Led […] Read more »

Day 2: 1st Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an ...

Highlights of Dialogue with Stakeholders on 29th November On day two of the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1), delegates held a dialogue with stakeholders during “normal negotiating hours” at Punta del Este, Uruguay, on November 29, 2022. The morning session, which was presided over by INC Chair Gustavo Meza-Cuadra of Peru, saw […] Read more »

ESDO Statement at 1st session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee mee...

The long-awaited 1st session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment (INC-1), has started on November 28, 2022, in Punta del Este, Uruguay, and will be held until December 2, 2022. With more than 2300 delegates registered, more than 160 nations were […] Read more »

Day 1: International Legally Binding Instrument on Plastics Pollution, including...

Highlights the first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) on 28th November 2022 The first meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-1) to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution started with a cultural program on November 28, 2022, in Punta del Este, Uruguay. The conference was formally inaugurated by Jyoti Mathur-Filipp, […] Read more »

Multi stakeholder Briefing: 1st session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Com...

From November 28 to December 2, 2022, the Punta del Este Convention and Exhibition Center in Uruguay will host the inaugural session of the INC, which will work to create a global, legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, especially that which affects the marine environment. The Multi-Stakeholder Forum, in conjunction with the first meeting of […] Read more »

Report Launching of “Assessing Transboundary Movement of Single-use Plastic Wa...

The Bay of Bengal receives 2.6 million metric tons of single-use plastic a year through 18 transboundary rivers in Bangladesh, posing a serious threat to river systems, waterways, and human health, according to a report by the Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO). The study was conducted by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in collaboration […] Read more »

Art Competition in order to observe International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week...

On the occasion of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022, ESDO organized an art competition today at Public Library Auditorium, Rangpur. The objective of this art competition was to create public awareness of the harmful effects of lead poisoning, to highlight the efforts of countries and partners to prevent lead exposure, particularly in children, to […] Read more »

Interface with Key Stakeholders from the Business Ecosystem in Bangladesh to Und...

UNICEF, Bangladesh, in technical collaboration with Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) organized an interface with key stakeholders from businesses in Bangladesh to understand the impact and role of the private sector in addressing lead poisoning in Bangladesh. This interaction is part of a series of national-level activities being undertaken by UNICEF, the Government of […] Read more »

National Seminar on “Lead Poisoning in Bangladesh: Evidence for Urgent Act...

As part of the International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022 Observance program- Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) and UNICEF Bangladesh have jointly organized a national seminar in collaboration with IEDCR, Icddr’b , ESDO, and Pure Earth. The title of the seminar is “Lead Poisoning in Bangladesh: Research Evidence for Urgent Action.” Research findings on […] Read more »

With the pledge “Together, we can solve lead pollution”, ESDO jointl...

On the occasion of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, in collaboration with DGHS, Icddr’b, IEDCR, Pure Earth, UNICEF Bangladesh, and IPEN organized a human chain alongside a rally on October 22 to call for the complete banning of all lead-based paint in Bangladesh and the proper implementation of the […] Read more »

Bangladesh Brand Audit 2022: Coca-Cola remained the top polluter for the 5th tim...

♫Nothing could ever bring me down♫, seems like Coca-Cola has literally taken their 2016 campaign slogan seriously. They have again retained the top position as the top polluters of single-use plastic for the 5th time in a row, with 20.78% of the total waste. ESDO conducted this year’s audit in three different cities, which are […] Read more »

Day 2 Highlights – Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

On the 2nd day of the 18th Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee at the Stockholm Convention (POPRC-18), the Committee shifted focus to reviewing ongoing implementation issues. The listed chemicals in the Stockholm Convention that are restricted or eliminated from production or usage might be needed for some uses. Countries then register for […] Read more »

Day 1 Highlights – Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

The Stockholm Convention is a global treaty that attempts to safeguard both human health and the environment against the impacts of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The Convention entered into force on May 17, 2004. This year, it is taking place in Rome, Italy from 26th September to 30th September 2022. The 1st day of the […] Read more »

Brand Audit on Single use Plastic in Chittagong City and Potenga Beach

Chittagong city and Potenga Beach are littered with single-use plastic waste. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Green Voice conducted a day-long Brand Audit at Chittagong University and its surroundings and Potenga Beach to reveal the mask of the corporates who are responsible for plastic pollution. Around 100 participants from Chittagong’s […] Read more »

Brand Audit on Single Use Plastic in Khulna University

The streets of Khulna city are covered with single-use plastic waste. On the occasion of World Cleanup Day 2022, Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO jointly with Khulna University conducted a day-long Brand Audit at Khulna University premises and its surrounding area to reveal the mask of the corporates who are responsible for harming […] Read more »

Brand Audit on Single-use Plastic in Dhaka City

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO conducted a two-day long Brand Audit on the 24th and 25th of August 2022. ESDO has been organizing this brand audit for the last 5 years. This Brand Audit is a global initiative to measure the number of different brands that can be found in plastic waste. The audit started […] Read more »

Environmental Education Camp for Zero-Waste Community Development

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized a session titled “Environmental Education Camp for Zero Waste Approach” with students of Lalmatia Girls High School in Dhaka City on July 21st, 2022 to develop the next generation of environmental leaders and to ensure environmental sustainability practices and apply a zero-waste plastic-free lifestyle among students. An overview of […] Read more »

Animation Documentary Screening on ‘Journey Towards Zero-Waste Community’

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with Alliance Française de Dhaka organized a Documentary Screening titled ‘Journey Towards Zero-Waste on 25th July 2022 at Alliance Française de Dhaka. The goal of the animated documentary screening on Reduce, Refuse, Reuse & Recycle and Waste Segregation was to demonstrate how adopting the 4R approach may make […] Read more »

Media Roundtable and Report Launching Event of “Plastic Sachet: Small Packet w...

Bangladesh generates 192,104 tons of sachet waste annually, which indicates that 129 million sachets are used by Bangladeshi people on a daily basis. In Bangladesh, single-use plastic waste production reached 1.06 million tons in 2021–2022 (June 21–May 22). This information was revealed in the report “Plastic Sachet: Small Packet with Huge Environment Destruction,” which was […] Read more »

Press Briefing on “Reconsidering the decision of the existing supplementar...

The Finance Minister of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, AHM Mustafa Kamal, in the 2022–23 budget has proposed withdrawing the existing 5% supplementary duty on all types of polythene and plastic bags. The proposal, including the withdrawal of duty on oven plastic bags and wrapping materials made of polyethylene, was made to […] Read more »

ESDO received National Environment Award 2020!

On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2022, Environment and Social Development Organization today received the National Environment Award 2020. This award was bestowed upon ESDO for its outstanding contribution to the development of the country’s environment. The award was given by H. E. Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government of the People’s Republic […] Read more »

Single-use Plastic Free Fair on National Level

Entrepreneurs displayed alternatives to single-use plastic products at the country’s first-ever plastic-free fair on the National Level. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO is kicking off a two-day long country’s first-ever National Single-use Plastic Free fair on the National level on 4th and 5th June 2022 at WVA Auditorium, Dhanmondi – 27, Dhaka. Syed […] Read more »

ESDO launched #NoSachet Campaign

To launch the “No Sachet Campaign” & raise public awareness about the hazardous environmental consequences of using single-use plastic sachets and motivate mass people to stop using them, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) held a day-long mobile and signature campaign to gain public support for banning all single-use plastic products including sachets on May […] Read more »

Radio Talk Show on Zero Waste Approach

On the 14th of May, ESDO took part in a radio talk show on the zero-waste approach on ABC radio station. The main goal of the discussion was to inform the general public about the Zero Waste Approach and how we can contribute to preventing environmental degradation by changing some small habits at home. The […] Read more »

High Level Policy Dialogue on ‘Comparison Report on BPA in Cash Receipts&#...

There was a time when it was thought that human exposure to bisphenols comes mainly from canned foods, water and beverage bottles, and dental sealants. This perception has changed rapidly with the realization that thermal paper used at cash registers contains unusually high amounts of monomeric BPA and BPS and it could be a potential […] Read more »

Country’s First-Ever Single-Use Plastic Free Fair!

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO organized the country’s first-ever Single-use Plastic-free Fair in Dhaka at the Lalmatia Housing Society School and College on the 25th and 26th of March 2022. Single-use plastic alternatives were displayed by local SMEs at this exhibition. Various individuals from all across the city came to the two-day-long fair. […] Read more »

Report Launching and Media Briefing on ‘Toxic Chemcials in kids stationari...

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. These are toxic to human health and children can be considered as the most vulnerable group. However, this toxic compound is widely used as additives in a range of plastics and other consumer products including kid’s stationaries. Environment & Social Development Organization – […] Read more »

High-level Policy Dialogue on ‘Mercury-Free Dentistry: A Significant Transitio...

Phasing out Mercury Amalgam will ultimately advance the ban of mercury import and use in dentistry and reach the key goal of ratifying the Minamata Convention in Bangladesh. It’s time for dentists to do their part for the greater good, and mercury amalgam-free dentistry is a key indicator of Bangladesh’s healthy rise within the global […] Read more »

Stakeholder Consultation and Round table meeting on ‘Phase out the use of sing...

Virtual stakeholder consultation and roundtable meeting were organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO on 16th February 2022 to discuss the strategy for phasing out Single-Use Plastic (SUP) products. Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of Bangladesh and President of ESDO dignified the event as the chief guest. Ms. Keya Khan, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Forest […] Read more »

Mobile Campaign for Banning Single-use Plastic and Supporting Waste Segregation.

To raise public awareness about the hazardous environmental consequences of using single-use plastic products and to make people understand the importance of waste segregation, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) held a day-long mobile and signature campaign to gain public support on “Banning Single-use Plastic and Support Waste Segregation” on February 14, 2022, at multiple […] Read more »

Policy Dialogue on “Zero Waste Communities for Sustainable Waste Management”

Building a zero waste community is the need for time for sustainability. To discuss this important issue ESDO is organized a policy dialogue Today! Respected Chairperson of ESDO, Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh presided over the discussion. Md. Moniruzzaman and Ms. Keya Khan Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, […] Read more »

Report Launching of “The Plastic Deluge: In the Sylhet City Corporation Area, ...

Around 54 tons of plastic garbage was generated per day by Sylhet City Corporation in 2021. This plastic garbage mostly contained sachets, one-time-use utensils, personal care items, and different other single-use plastic products. Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) recently issued a new study report titled “The Plastic Deluge: In the Sylhet City Corporation Area, […] Read more »

Media Briefing on Global Report of Widespread Chemical Contamination of Recycled...

Environmental activists and experts demanded an international response to prevent the spread of toxic chemicals in plastic pallets. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in collaboration with International Pollutants Elimination Network-IPEN arranged a media briefing both physically and virtually on 13th January 2022 to address the problem of harmful chemicals found in both beach and recycled […] Read more »

Employee Wellness Workshop For Contemplative Practices

Workplace wellness is not only a perk for large organizations anymore. Instead, it has become a standard practice in the workplace to support healthy behaviors in small and medium development organizations. Every organization is different and has to understand the changing needs of employees in order to create a healthy environment suited to their personal […] Read more »

High-level Policy Dialogue on The Global Agreement on Marine Litter & Plast...

The plastic pollution catastrophe is caused by a variety of factors, but the broadness of our ocean’s poisoning is terrifying. Microplastics have now been found in all maritime ecosystems and are consumed by marine organisms at all levels of the food chain. They’ve been found in the food we consume, the water we drink, and […] Read more »

Second virtual session of Sub-regional Campaign on Ban Single-use Plastic

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO, has started its journey in 1990 with the polythene bag ban movement and we are the pioneer organization to ban Plastic Bags in Bangladesh. From policy advocacy to both physical and online campaigning, ESDO has been campaigning successfully for many years to educate people about the adverse effect […] Read more »

Stakeholder Consultation and Project Completion Workshop on ‘Mercury Added...

A stakeholder consultation workshop was organized by Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO at Women’s Voluntary Association (WVA) Lalmatia, Dhaka where the current country situation of mercury-added products along with the viability of phasing out the products and the importance of ratifying Minamata Convention was highlighted. Syed Marghub Murshed, Chairperson of ESDO and Former […] Read more »

Third Virtual Session to launch a network on “Bangladesh Network for Banning S...

“Single-Use Plastic is the most toxic pollutant in the plastic waste stream, to protect the ecosystem and public health it is an urgent need to Ban SUP Immediately”. Activists and experts urged the government to initiate necessary steps to ban single-use plastic in Bangladesh. To address this need Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, in collaboration with […] Read more »

Experts Urged To Impose Effective Regulation To Ban Lead From All Paints

Enforcement should be applicable to ban the use of lead in all types of paints. There is an urgent need for regulation, environmental activists and experts urged the government in a high-level policy dialogue organized jointly by Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO, Directorate General of Health Services – DGHS and International Pollutants Elimination […] Read more »

ESDO observed ‘International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action R...

Lead poisoning in children continues to be the most common cause of death in Bangladesh. With a view to that, Youth urged a regulation in total lead paints through a human chain organized by Environment and Social Development organization – ESDO on 23rd October, 2021 in front of Bangladesh National High Court followed by a […] Read more »

Sub-regional Campaign on Ban Single-use Plastic

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO, has started its journey in 1990 with the polythene bag ban movement and we are the pioneer organization to ban Plastic Bags in Bangladesh. From policy advocacy to both physical and online campaigning, ESDO have been campaigning successfully for many years to educate people about the adverse effect […] Read more »

Report Launching of ESDO’s ‘Brand Audit 2021’

Brand Audit has been playing a significant part in ESDO’s campaign against single-use plastic pollution. Since 2018, ESDO has been conducting Brand Audit and trying to reveal the top plastic polluters of Bangladesh. This year ESDO has conducted Brand Audit in Dhaka and Mymensingh City and to reveal the truth of the top plastic polluters, […] Read more »

Upcoming Event of Lead in Paint: ILPPW 2021

Lead is Neurotoxin heavy metal, present in our daily life through different sources. One of the ways of exposure is lead use in decorative paints in our home. Creating awareness against poisonous lead pollution through lead in paint, since 2012, every year ESDO takes part in ‘International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2021’, an initiative of […] Read more »

Introductory Session on ‘Plastic Free Campus Initiative’

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), Philippines has launched a new campus awareness program named- Break Free From Plastic Campus which is a global movement that urges schools to band together and commit to going plastic-free. This project aims to measurably reduce plastic pollution on school […] Read more »

Expert Consultation on “Roadmap to Phase out Single-use Plastics from Banglade...

ESDO have been campaigning successfully for many years to aware people about the adverse effect of Single-use plastic items on both our environment and human health. It has involved a lot of work in collaboration with various international organization and we wish to keep working until we get a proper legislation for a nationwide ban […] Read more »

Report Launching Event on “BPA in Receipt: Toxin in Finger”

Bisphenol A or BPA is one of the major concerning chemicals nowadays. It affects infants to adults and can be found everywhere in the human lifestyle and the environment as well. During the year February 2019 to January 2020, ESDO completed a study addressing this issue as a startup. We may heard about the harmful […] Read more »

SME Consultation on “No Waste, Go For Zero Waste”

To build a formal network of local enterprises to work together towards a plastic-free zero waste approach, ESDO organized a dialogue titled “No Waste, Go For Zero Waste” on 29th July, 2021 through online platform Zoom. This session also emphasized on knowing about their work extensions on waste recycling, organic fertilizer and organic farming. The […] Read more »

Online session to initialize forming a network titled ‘Bangladesh Network ...

“Single Use Plastic is the most toxic pollutant in the plastic waste stream, to protect ecosystem and public health it is an urgent need to Ban SUP Immediately”. Activists and experts urged the government to initiate necessary step to ban single use plastic in Bangladesh. To address this need and to observe „International Plastic Bag […] Read more »

Capacity building training for city waste workers on waste segregation and healt...

Occupational health-safety is an essential requirement for waste workers health-safety. In order to enlighten them on waste segregation and health-safety, ESDO organized capacity building training for city waste workers in order to enlighten them on waste segregation and health-safety on June 19 2021 at Lalmatia Housing Society School and College, Lalmatia, Dhaka and on 21st June […] Read more »

Happy ESDO Day: 31 years of Celebration!

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO is proud to celebrate 31 years of presenting scientific and practical environmental solutions. ESDO has already come a long way and a more to go! With the support of our Chairman Syed Marghub Murshed; former Secretary, Government of Republic of Bangladesh, ESDO’s Secretary General; Dr. Shahriar Hossain and […] Read more »

A Policy Briefing and Dialogue on “Enforcement of Law on Polythene Bag Ban: Re...

To create awareness for abiding by laws on polythene bag ban by demanding its enforcement and to commemorates ‘World Environment Day’ ESDO organized a Policy Briefing and Dialogue on “Enforcement of Law on Polythene Bag Ban: Restore the Ecosystem” on 5th June 2021 from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM virtually. According to a recent study, […] Read more »

“Action Not Excuses: Let’s Refuse Single-Used Plastic”

ESDO in association with Plastic Solutions Fund has organized a webinar named “Actions Not Excuses: Let’s Refuse Single-Used Plastic”. School Students from different institutions of classes 6 to 9 took part in this webinar to commemorate the harmful effect of single used plastic in our country. This was the 1st session of the webinar which […] Read more »

World Health Day Celebration 2021

ESDO has celebrated World Health Day 2021 through the social network Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Due to Covid 19 situation physical program could not initiate by ESDO. Therefore, ESDO member commemorate the world and celebrated it virtually. Read more »

Expert Urge Government to Ratify Basel Ban Amendment

ESDO in association with Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives – GAIA has organized a Media Briefing on ‘Significance of implementing Basel Amendment to Stop Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Plastic Waste’ on 18th March 2021 in a city restaurant of Dhanmondi.The session was inaugurated by Syed Marghub Morshed, Former Secretary Govt. of Bangladesh and Chairperson, ESDO […] Read more »

Environmentally Sound Management ULAB An Urgent Need in Bangladesh

The government should initiate environmentally sound management (ESM) and regulate unauthorized ULAB recycling to prevent health risk and environmental pollution. Experts express their concern on informal recycling of used lead-acid battery throughout the country in a Capacity Building Workshop organized by the Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in collaboration with the UN Environment […] Read more »

Building Zero Waste Communities For a Pollution Free Environment in Bangladesh

ESDO organised community consultations along with CBO formation respectively on  14th February to educate and encourage community people to practice waste management for sustainable living. The consultation held at Betgari Union, Rangpur. To support this initiative of ESDO; Upazila chairman of Betgari Union, Senior Journalists, academicians and members of civil society were present at those […] Read more »

Mobile Campaign on Building Toxic Plastic Free Environment in Bangladesh

To make the people aware of the hazardous effects of toxic plastic, Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO had arranged a day-long mobile campaign on “Building Toxic Plastic Free Environment in Bangladesh” on 14th February 2021 in some distinct places of Dhaka city. The campaign had started from TSC, University of Dhaka at 10 am. […] Read more »

Press Briefing on “Air Pollution in Bangladesh”

ESDO, one of the strongest vocals against air pollution in Bangladesh, organized a Press Briefing on 28 December (Monday), 2020 to discuss the present scenario of air pollution in Bangladesh and especially in Dhaka city. The focused point of this briefing was to launch the study report on the air pollution scenario of Dhaka city […] Read more »

High-Level Policy Dialogue on “Stopping Toxic Plastic Waste and its Transb...

ESDO, one of the strongest vocals against plastic pollution in Bangladesh organized a virtual high-level policy dialogue in association with International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) and Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Today on 13th December (Sunday), 2020 to discuss plastic waste trade and its trans-boundary movement in Bangladesh. To address the compelling issue of […] Read more »

High level Policy Dialogue on ‘Stopping Toxic Plastic Waste Trade and its Tran...

It is of utmost pleasure to inform you that ESDO, collaborating with IPEN and GAIA, is going to organize a High level Policy Dialogue on ‘Stopping Toxic Plastic Waste Trade and its Trans boundary Movements’. Md. Shahab Uddin, Honorable Minister Sir, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of Bangladesh has consented to his presence […] Read more »

ESDO Advocates for Ban Single-Use Plastics

ESDO, one of the strongest vocals against plastic pollution in Bangladesh, organized a project inception workshop held virtually through Zoom. Distinguished high-level government and policy officials discussed the issue where Mr. Mahmud Hasan, Honorable Additional Secretary (Environment) of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change – MoEFCC, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh will […] Read more »

Webinar on Brand Audit 2020 on Single Use plastic

To create awareness on safeguarding the environment from the harmful consequences of single-use plastic, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized ‘Brand Audit’ from 19th September to 22nd September, 2020 at Dhaka city, Rangpur city and other districts. This year due to COVID – 19 pandemic situation, ESDO thought of an alternative way to observe the […] Read more »

Press Briefing On ‘The Rise in Asbestos–Cancer Concerns with Johnson...

To express the solidarity with the global campaign of ‘J & J Global Week of Action’ ESDO organized a virtual media briefing to talk about the chemical contents of Johnson and Johnson talc-based baby powder in Bangladesh and to sensitize the government to take initiatives to facilitate laboratory-based test for alleged cancer-causing asbestos in J […] Read more »

International Plastic Bag Free Day- E-poster Launch

On the occasion of international plastic bag free day 2020, ESDO has formally launched an e-poster with a view to heightening awareness regarding the implementation of plastic bag ban regulation worldwide. The plastic bag is the single most issue of plastic pollution and marine litter globally and relating to coronavirus, COVID-19 virus transmits through plastic […] Read more »