Historic Global Plastic Treaty should change the tragic tale of our River!

2.6 million tons of single-use plastic waste enter the Bay of Bengal every year! Dhaka, November 20, 2022:  Each day, 18 transboundary rivers in Bangladesh carry approximately 15,345 tons of single-use plastic waste. 2802 tons. 2519 tons come from India and 284 tons from Myanmar. According to an ESDO study, nearly half a million tons […] Read more »

International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022 Protect Every Child, Say No to...

Dhaka 22, October 2022: On the occasion of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2022, the youth of Bangladesh demanded a ban on lead paint production in Bangladesh through a human chain in front of the national press club. The air of the place was abuzz with the slogan ‘Say No to Lead Poisoning’, the theme […] Read more »

Press Release: Brand Audit 2022: Coca-Cola remained the top polluter for the 5th...

Among the found 30862 pieces of plastic waste, about 20.78% was from The Coca-Cola Company! Dhaka 17 October 2022: ♫Nothing could ever bring me down♫, seems like Coca-Cola has literally taken their 2016 campaign slogan seriously. They have again retained the top position as the top polluter of single-use plastic for the 5th time in […] Read more »

ESDO and Green Voice jointly conducted Brand Audit in Chittagong City

Chittagong 24 September 2022: Chittagong city and Potenga Beach are littered with single-use plastic waste. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Green Voice conducted a day-long Brand Audit at Chittagong University and its surroundings and Potenga Beach to reveal the mask of the corporates who are responsible for plastic pollution. Around […] Read more »

Cleanliness program and Brand audit completed in the joint initiative of Develop...

Khulna 20 September 2022: The streets of Khulna city are covered with single-use plastic waste. On the occasion of World Cleanup Day 2022, Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO jointly with Khulna University conducted a day-long Brand Audit at Khulna University premises and its surrounding area to reveal the mask of the corporates who […] Read more »

Adapt Zero Waste Lifestyle and Turn Your Waste into Resource!

Dhaka 25th July 2022: ‘Building zero waste communities can help us to reduce waste and drive greater resource productivity and also create a circular economy for Bangladesh’, said Habibun Nahar, MP, Honorable Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change. A Documentary Screening titled ‘Journey Towards Zero-Waste Community’ was organized by Environment and Social […] Read more »

Plastic Sachet Creates Huge Environmental Destruction!

1.06 million tons of single-use plastic waste are produced in Bangladesh Dhaka 2 July 2022: Bangladesh produces 192,104 tons of sachet wastes per year which indicates 129 million sachets are used by Bangladeshi people on daily basis. 1.06 million tons of single-use plastic waste have been produced in Bangladesh in the years 2021-22 (June 21-May […] Read more »

ESDO appeals to the Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh to reconsider the propose...

Dhaka 23 rd June 2022: ‘Government should reconsider the decision of the existing supplementary duty withdrawal on all types of polythene bags’, said Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of Government of people’s republic of Bangladesh and Chairperson of ESDO. This demand was made at a press briefing organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO today […] Read more »

ESDO has been awarded with National Environment Award 2020!

Dhaka 5th June 2022: On the occasion of the World Environment Day 2022, Environment and Social Development Organization today received the National Environment Award 2020. This award was bestowed upon ESDO for its outstanding contribution to the development of the country’s environment. The award was given by H. E. Sheikh Hasina, Hon’ble Prime Minister, Government […] Read more »

Mini plastic Packets contributing largely to Asia’s waste crisis!

Dhaka, 28th May 2022: To raise public awareness about the hazardous environmental consequences of using single-use plastic sachets and to motivate mass people to stop using them, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) held a day-long mobile and signature campaign to gain public support for banning all single-use plastic products including sachets on May 28, […] Read more »

Single-Use Plastic Free Fair – A very needed initiative of time!

Entrepreneurs demand the support of the Government to promote their environment friendly products Dhaka 4th June 2022: Entrepreneurs displayed alternatives to single-use plastic products at the country’s first-ever plastic-free fair on National Level. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO is kicking off a two-day long country’s first ever National Single-use Plastic Free fair on […] Read more »

Cancer-causing Bisphenols in Cash Receipts!

All Samples Detected with BPA Exceeded the Safety Limit Again! Dhaka 11th April 2022: Bisphenol A or BPA is considered an endocrine disruptor and can have adverse health effects, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, infertility, diabetes, and obesity, study report. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO publishes a follow-up research report titled ‘Transaction with Toxins: […] Read more »

ESDO Organized Country’s First-Ever Single-Use Plastic Free Fair!

More than 50 Entrepreneurs Showed that Plastic-Free Living is Possible Dhaka 27th March 2022: SMEs showcase single-use plastic-free alternatives in the country’s first-ever plastic-free fair. Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO organized the fair at three project locations Dhaka City, Rangpur City, and Betgari Union. In Dhaka city, the fair held on 25th and […] Read more »

Press Release for Report Launching and Media Briefing on ‘Toxic Chemicals in K...

Toxic Chemicals in Erasers: Children at Health Risk! 4 types of harmful phthalate chemicals were found among 30 out of 47 tested samples Dhaka 14th March 2022: Phthalate-a group of chemicals found in erasers are considered as endocrine disruptors and may also cause Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) syndrome, hormonal imbalance and affect the neurological […] Read more »

Ebay, Amazon and Flipkart among websites selling high mercury skin lighteners, a...

271 online products tested from 17 countries: nearly half contained too much mercury  Some products had thousands of times more mercury than legal limit International coalition of NGOs* urge governments to end online loophole in ‘toxic trade’ Despite being banned, skin lighteners with illegal levels of mercury remain online, with many offered by the same […] Read more »

UNEA5.2_Adaptation of a Legally Binding Global Plastic Treaty

UNEA5.2 Adopted Historical Resolution to End Plastic Pollutions!  Nearly 175 nations including Bangladesh unanimously agreed to form an intergovernmental committee to discuss and finalize a legally binding plastic convention by 2024 at the UNEA5.2 in Nairobi Dhaka 3rd March 2022: At UNEA5.2, The UN Member states just adopted a landmark mandate calling for the development […] Read more »

Dentists Shout Out to Phase-out Mercury Amalgam by 2022!

About 95.70% of dentists in Bangladesh have stopped the use of mercury amalgam in their treatment! Dhaka 23rd February 2022: “Government of Bangladesh has always worked for the betterment of people and is committed to saving our people’s health as well as environment” said Habibun Nahar, MP, Honorable Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment, Forest and […] Read more »

Tourism and Single use Plastic: A Mismatched Combination!

Airlines, Hotels, Motels, Restaurants, Shops and Manufacturers should work together to combat single use plastic pollution! Dhaka 16th February 2022: ‘The tourism industry, airlines, hotels, motels, and restaurants must shift from single-use plastic to alternatives. And eliminate problematic or unnecessary plastic packaging for the good of our environment and public health, said Syed Marghub Murshed, […] Read more »

Mobile Campaign for Banning Single-use Plastic and Supporting Waste Segregation

Public Demand for Strict Legislation and Enforcement for Nationwide Ban on Single-use Plastic Dhaka 14th February 2022: To raise public awareness about the hazardous environmental consequences of using single-use plastic products and to make people understand the importance of waste segregation, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) held a day-long mobile and signature campaign to gain […] Read more »

Adapting Zero Waste principle is essential to sustainable waste management!

Landfills: Prime Hotspots of Pollution & Health Hazard Dhaka 13th February 2022: Environmentalists and experts have called for a move of public-private-community partnerships to manage waste. The call was made as part of a high-level policy dialogue on “Zero Waste Communities for Sustainable Waste Management” organized by the Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO […] Read more »

The Surma River becomes Sylhet City’s junkyard

19 Thousand tonnes of Plastic was generated in 2021!! Dhaka 26th January 2022: In 2021, around 54 tons of plastic waste was generated a  day in Sylhet City Corporation – SCC, where the most used single-use plastic products were sachets, one-time used utensils, and personal care products. The Environment and Social Development (ESDO) today released its […] Read more »

Environmental Groups Call for International Action to Control Plastic Chemicals!

New worldwide research reveals that there are health risks across the plastics production chain Dhaka 13th January 2022: Environmental activists and experts demanded an international response to prevent toxic in plastic. This demand was made on a media briefing on ‘Chemicals in Plastic: A Growing Public Health Crisis’ organized by Environment and Social Development Organization […] Read more »

The Youth demanded Ban on Lead Paints

On the event of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2021 under the theme of ‘Working together for a World without Lead Paint’ a human chain was formed October 23, 2021 Dhaka: Lead poisoning in children continues to be the most common cause of death in Bangladesh. With a view to that, Youth urged a regulation in […] Read more »

Coca-Cola, Pran, PepsiCo & Unilever are Top polluters in Bangladesh!

Dhaka 21 September 2021: The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, Pran RFL Ltd. Nestlé and Unilever have been Bangladesh’s largest plastic polluters for the fourth consecutive year. As per the Environmental and Social Development Organization (‍ESDO) Branding Audit Report. The report entitled “Bitter Truth of Plastic Pollution” was made public today as part of a virtual information session. […] Read more »

ESDO distributed PPE and Relief to Waste Front liners

Dhaka 17 August 2021: Occupational health-safety and food sustainability is an emerging need for waste collectors in this pandemic. Addressing this need, ESDO organized a Covid-19 relief and PPE kits distribution event for waste workers and their families. Today, total 60 waste works were provided safety kits and food relief at Lalmatia, Dhaka. The relief […] Read more »

High levels of dangerous chemical BPA found in Cash Receipts

5th August 2021, Dhaka: Touching cash receipts can significantly increase our body’s uptake of a potentially dangerous chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), study report. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO publishes its new research report on “BPA in Receipt: Toxin in Finger” in a virtual event today. According to this study the percentage availability of BPA in […] Read more »

“An exceptional campaign by youth for banning single-use plastic”

29th may, 2021, Dhaka: To promote the sustainability of the environment and to encourage the youngsters, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO along with Plastic Solution Fund (PSF) organized a webinar named “Action! Not Excuses: Let’s Refuse Single-Used Plastic”. The second session of the webinar was held on 29th May 2021 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 […] Read more »

Ban Single Use Plastic: Protect Environment and Health

3rd July 2021, Dhaka: “Single Use Plastic is the most toxic pollutant in the plastic waste stream, to protect ecosystem and public health it is an urgent need to Ban SUP Immediately”. Activists and experts urged the government to initiate necessary step to ban single use plastic in Bangladesh. To address this need and to […] Read more »

Ensuring Occupational Health-safety for Waste Collectors

Dhaka 19 June 2021: Occupational health-safety is an emerging need for waste collectors. Addressing the need ESDO organized capacity building training for city waste workers to educate them on waste segregation and health-safety. Today, total 18 waste workers participated in the training at Lalmatia, Dhaka. Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO), organize this training workshop […] Read more »

Huge Use of Poly Bag: 78 Thousand Tons of Waste in a Year

5th June 2021, Dhaka: According to a recent study, more than 78 thousand tons of poly bag waste generated in one year of the pandemic in Bangladesh and Illegal production of poly bag goes up half a million a day. ESDO unveiled the study finding in a Policy Briefing and Dialogue on “Enforcement of Law […] Read more »

Expert Urge Government to Ratify Basel Ban Amendment

ESDO in association with Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives – GAIA has organized a Media Briefing on ‘Significance of implementing Basel Amendment to Stop Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Plastic Waste’ on 18th March 2021 in a city restaurant of Dhanmondi.The session was inaugurated by Syed Marghub Morshed, Former Secretary Govt. of Bangladesh and Chairperson, ESDO […] Read more »

Environmentally Sound Management ULAB An Urgent Need in Bangladesh

The government should initiate environmentally sound management (ESM) and regulate unauthorized ULAB recycling to prevent health risk and environmental pollution. Experts express their concern on informal recycling of used lead-acid battery throughout the country in a Capacity Building Workshop organized by the Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in collaboration with the UN Environment […] Read more »

Mobile Campaign on Building Toxic Plastic Free Environment in Bangladesh

To make the people aware of the hazardous effects of toxic plastic, Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO had arranged a day-long mobile campaign on “Building Toxic Plastic Free Environment in Bangladesh” on 14th February 2021 in some distinct places of Dhaka city. The campaign had started from TSC, University of Dhaka at 10 am. […] Read more »

Press Release on ‘Toxic Plastic Waste: Solution for disposal, Management a...

February 11, 2021 Attn: Chief Reporter/ News Editor/ Assignment Editor/ Head of News Dear Sir/ Madam, I request you to publish this press release in your reputed and widely circulated Newspaper/TV channel/Radio. Sincerely, Samina Khondaker Media and Communication Associate ESDO Email: samina@esdo.org Mobile: +8801731779953   PRESS RELEASE ESDO Urges to Stop illegal Plastic Waste Trade […] Read more »

Dhaka 4th Polluted City Globally

Dhaka, 28 December, 2020: According to ESDO recent study on air pollution in Bangladesh is translating the health loss to economic and ecological impacts. As per AQI value measured over past 11 months Bangladesh ranked 2 and Dhaka ranked 4 globally as most polluted city. Environment and Social Development organization-ESDO disclosed the study on “Air […] Read more »

Government of Bangladesh will not allow Plastic Waste Trade

Bangladesh to discuss the trans-boundary movement of plastic wastes from China and India through Meghna, Bhramaputra, and Ganges river system. The illegal entrance of plastic wastes from developed countries must be monitored. Dhaka 13th December 2020: ―”Government of Bangladesh has not allowed and will never allow plastic waste and its illegal trade into our country” […] Read more »

Youth Demanded Regulation to Ban All Leaded Paints in Bangladesh

31st October, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Vestige from lead paint is still the number one source of childhood lead poisoning. Ban all leaded paints and implement the law accordingly, voice raised by a group of youth in Dhaka.ESDO organized a human chain on Saturday at 10.00 am, in front of the National Press Club, followed by […] Read more »

Lead Paint Still Sold in a Majority of Countries Despite Global Phase-Out Effort...

(Gothenburg, Sweden/Dhaka, Bangladesh) Enforced lead paint regulation makes a critical difference for eliminating one of the most widespread threats of lead poisoning for children, a new report shows, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a key role in catalyzing national regulations. The report, from the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN), with data on lead in paint […] Read more »

“Building Zero Waste Communities for a Pollution-free Environment in Banglades...

Attn: Chief Reporter/ News Editor/ Head of News   Dear Sir/ Madam, I request you to publish this press release in your reputed and widely circulated newspaper/TV channel/Radio.   Sincerely, Samina Khondaker Associate Media and Communication Team Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO 12th September, 2020   Press Release   “Building Zero Waste Communities for […] Read more »

Press Briefing On ‘The Rise in Asbestos–Cancer Concerns with Johnson �...

Dhaka, 5th September 2020: To express the solidarity with the global campaign of ‘J & J Global Week of Action’ ESDO organized a virtual media briefing to talk about the chemical contents of Johnson and Johnson talc-based baby powder in Bangladesh and to sensitize the government to take initiatives to facilitate laboratory-based test for alleged […] Read more »

Press Release: International Plastic Bag Free Day Observed- Experts urge immedia...

Dhaka 3 June 2020: On the occasion of “International Plastic bag free day 2020”, experts and activists from around the world emphasis on plastic bag ban regulation and enforcement. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO organized a virtual discussion to highlight the urgency and importance of enforcement of plastic bag ban law in Bangladesh and beyond. […] Read more »

Press release on ESDO’s 30 Anniversary! Committed to Toxic-Free Environment: E...

June 6, 2020, Dhaka: Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO urged the people and the government to ensure environmental education, awareness and enforcement of law to protect nature and life; speakers said, at an online discussion yesterday. To celebration of ESDO’s 30 years of presenting scientific and practical environmental solutions, this online discussion was […] Read more »

World Environment Day 2020: “We Care Nature: Keep Biodiversity”

Press Release World Environment Day: “We Care Nature: Keep Biodiversity” 4th June 2020, Dhaka: 5th June, World Environment Day 2020, “Celebrate Biodiversity”. Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the celebration is happening digitally and all the activities are taking place within limits all over the world. This year, millions of people in more than 100 countries […] Read more »

Press Release: COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak 14,500 Tons of Hazardous Plastic Wast...

Dhaka, 10 May, 2020: The hygiene measures to avoid Novel Corona virus infection are recently making a huge consumer base for single use plastic commodities. In the first month of official lockdown to prevent Corona virus outbreak in Bangladesh, around 14,500 tons of hazardous plastic waste has emerged from the use of single use surgical […] Read more »

ESDO Urges Ensuring Safety and Health for the Frontline Workers

The International Workers’ Day this year is coming in the midst of a global pandemic, when work safety and health of the frontline and essential workers in fighting COVID-19 pandemic has now become a pressing issue. And also safety of limitedly opened industrial workers are becoming an issue now, as the garments industries are resuming […] Read more »

Consuming Hazardous Single Use Plastic on Rise In Novel Corona Virus Pandemic

Attn:Chief Reporter/ News Editor/ Head of NewsDear Sir/ Madam,I request you to publish this press release in your reputed and widely circulated newspaper. Sincerely,Quazi Shahreen HaqMedia and Communication OfficerEnvironment and Social Development Organization- ESDODhaka, Bangladesh,22nd April, 2020. Consuming Hazardous Single Use Plastic on Rise In Novel Corona Virus Pandemic 22nd April, 2020, Dhaka: The Earth […] Read more »

Experts, activists urge Govt. to ban Single Use Plastic by 2021

Mymensingh, 15th February, 2020: Single Use Plastic Pollution is an emerging environmental concern. Every year more than 87000 tons of Single Use Plastic is being discarded in Bangladesh according to a study report of Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in 2019. Considering the serious health threats posed by plastic, manufacture and use of […] Read more »

DNCC & DSCC Election Posters waste gets 2500 Ton More Than Ten Thousand Ton...

Dhaka, 28 January, 2020: More than ten thousand ton of laminated plastic waste is generated from different sources in Dhaka every year, which causes health hazards and environmental havoc. ESDO has conducted a Study on “Thermal lamination films: An Incising Health Hazards and Environmental Havoc of Dhaka City”, which focused exclusively on laminated posters, leaflets, […] Read more »

Press Statement on “ESDO Hails High Court Ruling Ban on Single-Use Plastic...

We are grateful to the High Court of  Bangladesh for their ruling (06 January,2020) on enforcement of existing ban on polythene bags and failure to control use of single use plastic and, order to develop & implement work plan to control use of single use plastic & find safe alternatives by 2021. On behalf of […] Read more »

“Online Selling of Illegal Mercury-laced Skin Lighteners”

Amazon, eBay among websites found selling illegal mercury-laced skin lighteners.  In Bangladesh, Daraz-a leading online shopping site is selling illegal mercury containig (934.33-116600 ppm Hg) skin lightening creams  158 products tested in 12 countries: 60% contained too much mercury  Some products had tens of thousands of times more mercury than legal limit […] Read more »

5 Global Plastic Polluters has been identified!

Dhaka, 14th November, 2019: The top 5 global plastic polluters are Coca-Cola, Unilever, Nestle, Pepsico, Mondelez International has been identified. The global contributors to the plastic pollution identified from the brand audit conducted by Break free from plastic globally in September, 2019. As part of Global Week of Action under the Break Free from Plastic […] Read more »

Single Use Plastic: Hidden costs of Health & Environment in Bangladesh

Dhaka, 3rd November, 2019:  Every year, about 87,000 tonnes of single-use plastic are thrown away in Bangladesh. The findings revealed from ESDO study. Considering the serious health and environment impact, single use plastic needs to be banned as soon as possible. An awareness and consultation workshop entitled “Single Use Plastic: Hidden Cost of Health and Environment” […] Read more »

Enact Law to Protect Children Health

Activists & Experts Urged to Ban Lead Paint Dhaka, 27th October, 2019:  Activists and experts urged the Government to ban lead paint and enact a law to protect children health and environment. They said, it’s an urgent need for the country to take serious regulatory steps. To observe the “International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of […] Read more »

Human Chain Demanded Ban on Lead Paints

On the event of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2019 under the theme of ‘Learn the Risk, Join the Action, Eliminate Lead Paint’ a human chain was formed Dhaka, 26th October, 2019:   Dust from lead paint is still the number one source of childhood lead poisoning. So focusing this on the event of International Lead Poisoning […] Read more »

Single Use Plastic: Hidden costs of Health & Environment in Bangladesh

Dhaka, 21st October, 2019:  Every year, about 87,000 tonnes of single-use plastic are thrown away in Bangladesh. The findings revealed from ESDO study. The study findings were disclosed through a press briefing arranged by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO on Monday at its head office. This year ESDO has completed its second annual survey of […] Read more »

Mercury Containing Skin Lightening Creams in Dhaka Market: High risk to users

Dhaka, 12th September, 2019: Mercury containing skin lightening cream flooded in Dhaka market; that has the potential risk to health and environment. Considering the severe health threats posed by mercury, manufacture and use of mercury added products should be strictly prohibited. Focusing on the issue, an awareness and consultation workshop entitled ‘’Harmful effects of Mercury […] Read more »

Mercury Toxicity Increasing Health Risks,Ban Mercury Added Products

Dhaka, 13 July, 2019: The experts an activist urged the Government to ban mercury added products and emphasized on the harmful impact on mercury causes a serious threat to environment and human health. Mercury pollution has become a global concern now. Focusing on this a roundtable meeting with media on “Harmful effects of mercury containing […] Read more »

UN Decides to Control Global Plastic Waste Dumping

UN meeting gives countries the right to refuse unrecyclable, polluting plastics MAY 10, 2019 Geneva, Switzerland —Today, 187 countries took a major step forward in curbing the plastic waste crisis by adding plastic to the Basel Convention, a treaty that controls the movement of hazardous waste from one country to another. The amendments require exporters to […] Read more »

“ESDO Urged Develop Country to Stop Dumping Plastic Waste in Developing Nation...

Dhaka, May 05, 2019: ESDO along with CSOs urged the develop countries to stop dumping plastic waste in developing nations and ban single use plastic globally. On behalf of CSOs Siddika Sultana Executive Director, ESDO & Director of Asian Center for Environmental Health made an intervention at BRS COP at Geneva yesterday.   The 2019 […] Read more »

Mercury Emission Goes Alarming in Bangladesh, Need Urgent Ratification of the Co...

18 April 2019, Dhaka: The Experts emphasized raising awareness to the use of mercury in products and its proper management at a stakeholder workshop. Mercury has a wide usage in various products and industrial processes, posing a serious threat to human health and the environment. Focusing on this a stakeholder workshop on “Mercury Pollution in […] Read more »

UNEA-4 Agreement Does Not Deliver at Scale and Urgency Needed

Nairobi, Kenya – At the 4thsession of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-4), member states of the UN Environment Programme failed to meet expectations to confront the ever-growing plastic-pollution crisis threatening our waterways, ecosystems, and health. At UNEA-4, member states considered several resolutions designed to increase international action to halt plastic pollution. The first, proposed […] Read more »

Urgent Action required against catastrophe of Single Use Plastic

Dhaka, 02 March, 2019: The excessive use of Single Use of Plastic may bring a catastrophic scenario in Bangladesh very soon. With a view to encourage mass people to quit single use plastic, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO has organized a day long mobile Campaign on 2nd March in different important place in Dhaka. The […] Read more »

“Youth Urge the Government to Ban Single Use Plastic (SUP)”

03 February, 2019, Dhaka: Participating students urge the Govt. to ban Single Use Plastic (SUP) to protect environment and public health. They demanded in an awareness campaign jointly organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO and Dept. of Environmental Science and Disaster Management (ESDM), Daffodil International University yesterday at University Campus in Dhaka. The participant […] Read more »

Stop using single use plastic (SUP) To protect human health and Environment

14 November, 2018, Dhaka: Around 250 tons of single use plastics particularly straws and cutleries are discarded every month. The findings revealed from a study.To release the findings of the study entitled “Stop using single use plastic (SUP) to protect human health and Environment”, Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO called on a press briefing on […] Read more »

Human Chain Demanded Ban on Lead Paints

Dhaka, 20 October, 2018: Dust from lead paint is still the number one source of childhood lead poisoning. So focusing this on the eve of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2018 under the theme of ‘Learn The Risk, Call For Action, Ban Lead Paint’ a human chain was formed on 20 October, 2018 in the front […] Read more »

‘Ban Lead Paint, Experts and Activists Urged’

Dhaka, October 21, 2018: To protect environment and public health it’s an urgent need to ban lead paint in Bangladesh. The standard of lead concentration in paint below 90 ppm has imposed recently, but still striving for a regulation. Focusing on this purpose and to observe ‘‘International lead poisoning prevention week of Action 2018”, a […] Read more »

Booklet Launched By Honorable Minister, M.P. Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud, M.P....

Dhaka, 27 May, 2018: “Effective steps will be taken as soon as possible regarding the establishment of Mercury-free Dentistry in Bangladesh”, said Honorable Minister, Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud, M.P., Ministry of Environment and Forest and  inaugurated a new monograph entitled “Mercury-Free Dentistry towards Toxic-Free Oral Health & Environment”. The inauguration event was the central as […] Read more »

Momentum builds to end the largest mercury use in U.S.A. – dental amalgam

16 April, 2018, Chicago: A coalition of 50 environmental, public health, and children’s rights groups called for an end to the controversial filling material – dentalamalgam – inAmerican children, and for a two-year general phase-out in its use in the United States.  Supporters include many major national nonprofit groups, including Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Health Care […] Read more »

Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul, An Undisputed Leader of Bangladesh Dental Society got ...

Dhaka, 3 April 2018: Secretary General of Bangladesh Dental Society and one of the most renowned dental surgeons, Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul got recognition for being Mercury-Free. His dental chamber named ‘Orient Dental’ situated in Shantinagar, Dhaka got an appreciation as a ‘Mercury-Free Dental Chamber’ by Bangladesh Dental Society-BDS and Environment and Social development Organization-ESDO. […] Read more »

A declaration to phase out ‘Mercury Dental Amalgam’ in the treatment of preg...

Dhaka, 10 March 2018: ” Mercury dental amalgam should not be used in the treatment of pregnant women, nursing mother and children after June, 2018″ – The declaration came from Bangladesh Dental Society (BDS) in association with Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO through a press briefing. Yesterday (Saturday) in a press briefing at Dhaka Reporters […] Read more »

Eliminate Microbeads and Reduce Microplastic Pollution-An Urgent Need!

  Dhaka 19, February, 2018: A huge gathering of health and environmental experts, government representatives, stakeholders, academicians, and mass people encouraged the ban of microplastic, especially microbeads in a ‘Knowledge Sharing Consultation with Stakeholders on Microplastic Pollution in the Bay of Bengal’ to make people, especially the stakeholders aware about the emerging pollution threat from […] Read more »

‘Mercury-Free Dental Chamber’ being recognized by BDS and ESDO: Pion...

Dhaka, 28 January 2018: Dentistry will catch a breath of fresh air as a completely new approach towards mercury-free dentistry in Bangladesh through visiting a dental chamber named ‘Dental Center’ in the capital city Dhaka and recognizing it ‘Mercury-Free’ by Bangladesh Dental Society-BDS and Environment and Social development Organization-ESDO. On 28 January, 2018 ESDO and […] Read more »

Mercury Free Dentistry Being Encouraged Through Awarding a Dental College in Chi...

Dhaka 28, November, 2017: A plaque of appreciation was awarded to Chattagram International Dental College and Hospital for practicing mercury free dentistry in Bangladesh as a part of the vibrant global campaign to ban mercury in dentistry. The award giving ceremony and also an open forum was jointly organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO […] Read more »

A new way of campaign for Mercury-free dentistry: Mobile Campaign in Bangladesh

Dhaka, 23 November, 2017: Youth showed a new method of campaign called “Mobile Campaign” on mercury free dentistry in Bangladesh today. To phase out Mercury amalgam use in dentistry and save children and child bearing mother  from the harmful effect Mercury was the main motive of the Mobile Campaign. Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO […] Read more »

Human Chain at National Press Club Demanded Ban on Lead Paints

Dhaka 28, October, 2017: On the eve of International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week-2017 (22 to 28 October) a huge crowd of youths demanded ban of lead paint production in Bangladesh. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with IPEN organized the human chain and a rally under the theme ‘Learn the Risks, Educate Community and […] Read more »

An Action: A Legislation to Ban Lead Paint

Dhaka 26, October, 2017: Government delegations urged for an immediate regulation to ban hazardous lead paint and expressed the necessity to immediately publish the gazette for a standard of 50 ppm lead content in paint. A high level policy dialogue was organized by Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO on Thursday 11:30 AM at ESDO Head […] Read more »

Celebrate “World Environmental Health Day” by Making Dental Amalgam History!

Geneva, 26 September 2017 –The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry is celebrating World Environmental Health Day by urging the nations party to the Minamata Convention on Mercury to make dental amalgam history!   It complements the theme of the parties to Minamata, whose theme is “Make mercury history.” At the first conference of the parties (COP1), […] Read more »

Microplastic is threatening Lives: It is the time to Ban!

Dhaka 16, September, 2017: A huge gathering of health and environmental experts, beauty experts and  concerned stakeholders urged the ban of microplastic, especially microbeads in an inception workshop under the theme of “Combating the pollution threat from microplastic litter to save marine health in the Bay of Bengal” to make people aware about the emerging […] Read more »

Elite Paint Receives First Lead Safe Paint® Certification in Bangladesh

Dhaka, 29.08.17: Elite Paint is the first paint company in Bangladesh to achieve Lead Safe Paint® certification. The news was announced publicly through a press briefing organized by Elite Paint and Chemical Industries at  Begum Sufia Kamal Public Library on 29 August, 2017 in Dhaka. The certification program, established in 2015 by the international non-profit  […] Read more »

Mercury Pollution Costs Billions in Lost Earning Potential in Bangladesh New an...

Dhaka, 8 June, 2017: Communities in Bangladesh stand to lose 8 to 144 million taka in earning potential every year due to mercury contamination, according to a new study published in The Journal of Environmental Management.1 The report is the first peer-reviewed analysis to estimate economic losses due to IQ damage from mercury pollution in […] Read more »

Hidden Health Hazard in Non-stick Cookware

Dhaka, May 25, 2017: Use of  non-stick pots and pans on a daily basis, means exposure to hidden  dangers. Non- stick cookware is made using a carcinogenic chemical which starts emitting toxic fumes that one  inhale every time while cooking  with a non-stick pot!  Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO disclosed these findings through their […] Read more »

Dentists and Government Representatives Demanded to Phase Out Mercury from Dent...

Dhaka, 6 May, 2017: Dentists, dental professionals, Government representatives and environmental leaders urged  the Government for phasing out mercury from dentistry sector by 2018. Yesterday  at a workshop, they demanded to take immediate step regarding this issue. Bangladesh Dental Society(BDS) and Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with Asian Center for Environmental Health  organized […] Read more »

Swedish MP Meet ESDO team: Emphasized on Environmental Pollution in Bangladesh

Dhaka 6, February, 2017: Two members Swedish Parliament Delegation meets with Environment and Social Development Organization team today at its office in Dhaka. They discussed on different environmental issues and emphasized on environmental pollution in Bangladesh, particularly e-waste pollution, traffic and urban pollution. Mr. Johns Holm and Ms. Nooshi Dadgoster,  Member of Swedish Parliament meet […] Read more »

ESDO and BDS Proposed Changes Dental School Curriculum

Dhaka 12, January 2017: Mercury dental amalgam is the major source of mercury toxicity in health and environment. Many developed countries are now switching to safer alternatives. Yesterday at a round table meeting in Dhaka Professionals and environmental experts emphasized the need of education and hand on knowledge of mercury free alternatives for the next […] Read more »

Activist group demanded ban lead paint in Bangladesh by 2017

Dhaka, October 28, 2016: Environmental activist group demanded to ban lead paint in Bangladesh by 2017. In a public awareness rally, they urged the government to take immediate step to introduce national standard for lead concentration in paint. Concerning about the child health and environment they demanded 50 ppm as a standard for lead content […] Read more »

Children urge to ban lead paint by 2017

Dhaka, 29 October, 2016: Children urge the government to ban lead paint immediately; they expressed their appeal through painting. More than hundred children took part in a painting competition to observe the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint week 2016 on Saturday, 29th October at Dhanmondi. Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO in association with‘Jotun Bangladesh […] Read more »

Microbeads: A Serious Health and Environmental Risk to Bangladesh

Dhaka 15, October, 2016: Many leading brands are using tiny plastic microbeads as exfoliating and cleansing ingredient in their personal care products such as face wash, scrub, and toothpaste. Around 7928.02 billion microbeads go to the rivers, canals and other water bodies in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet cities in every month. A study report entitled […] Read more »

Possible toxicity in brain toys “Rubik’s Cube”

Dhaka September 2, 2016–Rubik’s Cube, known as brain game toys; designed to exercise the mind, may contain toxic chemicals from recycled electronic waste, which can damage the central nervous system ironically, reduce children’s intellectual capacity. The Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO, a watch group on toxic chemicals and wastes, aired this observation following the announcement […] Read more »

Training Workshop on Environmental Health For Journalists Held In Dhaka

Dhaka, August 27, 2016: Environmental health is a prime reporting issue; need to be address properly in the news media. Journalists express the need of hands-on knowledge and training of science reporting. Participants and experts share the views at a workshop on Environmental Health and Pollutants: Role of a Journalist organized by Environment and Social […] Read more »

High level of toxin found in Jewellery

Dhaka: August 13, 2016: High level of toxic chemicals found in jewelleries in Bangladesh. Children’s jewellery found with high concentration of lead, cadmium and bromine, which is so alarming for human health and environment. A study report on “Toxic Jewellery: High Risk to Health and Environment in Bangladesh’’ disclosed the finding of the high exposure […] Read more »

Dr. Shahriar Hossain chosen Executive Vice President, World Alliance for Mercur...

Washington D.C., USA, 31 July 2016: The World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry has named Dr. Shahriar Hossain of Dhaka to be its Executive Vice President. Dr. Hossain is a renowned NGO leader, ecologist and environmental journalist in Asia, working for environmental justice and governance more than two decades.  He will stay in Dhaka and continue […] Read more »

Asian Governments should come forward to End Use of Mercury Amalgam

Dhaka, 27 June 2016- Asian countries, which are in particular danger of bearing the health brunt of using mercury amalgam in dentistry, have made some progress in phasing out the use of mercury, but their governments still need to be more active in ending the mercury use, environmentalists and experts said at a workshop in Bangkok […] Read more »

NGOs Urge the Asian Nation to Phase Out Dental Amalgam by 2020

Dhaka, 27 June 2016- The Asian Environmental NGOs urge the government of Asian countries to phase out Mercury Dental Amalgam by 2020. They express their concern about the harmful impact of amalgam to environment and public health. Yesterday a joint deceleration has release by Asian center for Environmental Health; this is the outcome of Asian […] Read more »

Partnering with Private Sector in Disaster Management, Risk Response & Prep...

  The CSR Centre together with Oxfam & Institute of Disaster Management & Vulnerability Studies (IDMVS) arranged a daylong workshop on ‘Humanitarian Actions and Standards for Private Sectors Management Staff’ at Nawaab Ali Senate Bhaban, University of ​ Dhaka on March 15, 2016. They called for Partnering with Private Sector in Disaster Management, Risk Response & Preparedness. […] Read more »

UNEP & World Alliance Urges to Phasing-Down Dental Amalgam Use

Dead Sea, Jordan 9, March 2016- UNEP & World Alliance urges the government around the world to Phasing-Down Dental Amalgam Use. They emphasize on the national implementation plan for successfully implement the dental amalgam Phase-Down Measures of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, they revealed today on a side event of a UN mercury treaty meeting […] Read more »


There are so many toxic chemicals in both imported and exported beauty products of Bangladesh which is so alarming for human health and environment. Titanium (Ti) was found in high concentration especially in skin brightening cream and baby lotion, which is carcinogenic. This information was found from a study named ‘Toxic Chemicals in Beauty Products- […] Read more »

Mercury & Mercury Added Products in Bangladesh: Threatens Public Health &#...

Owing to the lack of regulation, the harmfuluse of Mercury reached alarming level in Bangladesh. As a result health risks and environment pollution has increased manifolds.In the year 2014 legally and illegally 58 metric tons of harmful mercury has been imported in Bangladesh. Read more »

ESDO Demanded Ban on Lead Paints by 2017 and Global Phase Out by 2020

Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO demanded ban of lead paint production by 2017 in Bangladesh supporting International Chemical Safety Groups to phase out lead containing paints by 2020. Read more »

Policy Dialogue on Urgent Regulations for Eliminating Lead in Paint in Banglades...

To stop the use of lead in paint in Bangladesh by 2017, Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO and Bangladesh Paint Manufacturers Association (BPMA) demanded the government to enact specific policies and regulations yesterday. Read more »