Lead in Paint: A Significant Pathway of Lead Exposure in Bangladesh

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Tragic Tale of Our Rivers

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Corporate Score Card: 5th time is not a charm

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Report Launching of “Lead in Paints: A Significant Pathway of Lead Exposure in...

Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO conducted research to analyze the market situation of lead used in paints. The study shows that despite the 90 ppm standard set by Bangladesh Standards Testing Institution- BSTI, lead is found in high concentrations in different paints. This finding was revealed in ESDO’s new study report titled “Lead in Paints: […] Read more »

The Plastic Deluge in The Sylhet City Corporation Area, Bangladesh

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Transaction With Toxins: Bisphenols in Cash Receipts

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A Country Situation Report on Transboundary Movement of Plastic Waste

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Plastic Sachet: Small Packets with Huge Environmental Destruction

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National Strategy for Used Lead Acid Batter (ULAB) Recycling in Bangladesh

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Comparative Regulatory Review Assessment of Regulations on ULAB in Bangladesh, a...

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Toxic Chemicals in Kids Stationaries: Phthalates in Erasers

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ZMWG Skin 2022 Report

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Air Pollution in Bangladesh

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Toxic Plastic Waste – Situation of Disposal, Management and Trade of Bangl...

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A Study Report on Uses of Nonstick Utensils: Associated Health and Environmental...

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Bangladesh National Report on Lead Household Paint – 2015

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The Bitter Truth of Plastic Pollution (Brand Audit 2021)

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BPA in Thermal Paper Cash Receipts_ESDO_Synopsis

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Brand Audit Report 2019

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Safeguarding Policy for Child and Vulnarable Adults

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Profile of ESDO

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Report on – Assessment of Informal Used Lead Acid Battery Recycling and As...

Bangladesh’s economy has evolved rapidly from one based primarily on agriculture to a more diversified service and manufacturing economy. While this evolution has helped Bangladesh move up the income scale, it has also created new pollution control and environmental health challenges that may be outpacing the government’s capacity to regulate industries and mitigate environmental health […] Read more »

Report on Huge Use of Banned Poly Bags: Serious Havoc to Health and Environment

Plastic items have assumed critical parts in securing individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The broad use of individual defensive stuff made a gigantic interruption in the supply chain and waste disposal framework. A huge number of disposed of single-use plastics (masks, gloves, apron, and containers of sanitizers) have been added to the earthbound climate and […] Read more »

Report on “Aluminum Cookware: A Major Source of Lead and other Toxic Metal...

Executive Summery Aluminum cookware are being used for cooking purpose all over the world. Most of the cookware, used in South Asian countries including Bangladesh, is made up of aluminum. Cost effectiveness and heat conductance account for its popularity. Despite being harmless in lower concentrations, high aluminum intake results in chronic health effects in the […] Read more »

Report on ”The Rise in Asbestos–Cancer Concerns with Johnson & ...

Executive Summary Despite the ban on Johnson and Johnson Talc-Based Baby Powder in developed countries like the USA and Canada, those banned products are still imported and sold in developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, etc. Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder are already banned in the USA and Canada. In South Asia, India has […] Read more »

COVID-19 Pandemic Pushes Single Use Plastic Waste Outbreak: No Management, No Pr...

At the end of the very first month of the official lockdown to prevent COVID-19 spread in Bangladesh, about 14500 tons of hazardous plastic waste has emerged from the dramatically increased use of single use surgical face masks, hand gloves, hand sanitizers and polythene bags in communities and health care facilities, a recent study by […] Read more »

Newsletter Jan-Mar’20

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Newsletter Apr-Jun’19

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Newsletter July-Sep’19

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Newsletter Oct-Dec’19

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Newsletter Jan-Mar’20

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E-Waste Management in Bangladesh

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Mercury Free Dentistry

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Reduction of demand of mercury, in mercury containing products in Bangladesh

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Harmful Effects of Mobile Phone and Other Gadgets

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Thermal lamination films: An incising Hazards and Environmental Havoc of Dhaka C...

Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO organized a Press Briefing on “Prevalence of Plastic Lamination Use in Posters and Leaflets” on 28th of January, 2020 at 12 pm in ESDO head office. More than ten thousand ton of laminated plastic waste is generated fromdifferent sources in Dhaka every year, which causes health hazards and environmental […] Read more »

Single Use Plastic: Hidden Costs of Health and Environment in Bangladesh

“Bangladesh throw away about 87,000 tonnes of single-use plastic every year, about 96% of the total of these wastes are sachets, which are completely non-recyclable. Most single –use plastics used in Bangladesh are not disposed of properly, and so they end up in the landfills, lakes, rivers, or in the ocean.” Download Pdf Read more »

Study report On Toxic Jewellery: High Risk to Health and Environment in Banglade...

Executive Summary Jewellery is an individual embellishment that people used from ancient time to complement themselves. Jewellery may be made from an extensive range of materials, but gemstones, precious metals, beads, and shells have been widely used. From time to time, lots of things have been added for the production of ornaments. Many of these […] Read more »

PFAS: Bangladesh Situation Report

Executive Summary Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made fluorinated organic compounds that are highly stable and persistent in the environment. These compounds have been used in industrial applications and consumer products since the 1950s, and many different PFAS have been detected in environmental media, food, biota and human serum. However, the […] Read more »

Brand Auditing and Market Assessment of Single Use Plastic in Dhaka, Bangladesh

People are using various plastic products, microbeads containing products and single-use plastic products (in the form of sachets and plastic tube packaging). Plastic packaging contains many different chemicals with endocrine disrupting properties including solvents, UV stabilizers, phthalates, antimicrobials, and industrial additives. The diverse array of chemicals used in plastic packaging, combined with their widespread use, […] Read more »

Microbeads! Unfold Health Risk and Environmental Pollutant

Once upon a time, groundnut shells, salt crystals were used as scrubbing and exfoliating agents. Over these years, all these natural but traditional, biodegradable alternatives are being replaced by a non-biodegradable, cheap tiny plastic particle, called microbead. It is increasingly clear that microbeads, which, like plastic bags, are made of polyethylene, are a harmful and […] Read more »

International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week, 2018-ILPPW

The release of lead into the environment poses significant risks to human health especially to children and the environment. Addressing children’s exposure to lead from paint. UN Environment and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly formed The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint with a view to minimizing occupational exposures to lead paint. International Lead […] Read more »

Toxic Jewellery: High Risk to Health and Environment in Bangladesh

Jewellery is an individual embellishment that people used from ancient time to complement themselves. Jewellery may be made from an extensive range of materials, but gemstones, precious metals, beads, and shells have been widely used. From time to time, lots of things have been added for the production of ornaments. Many of these are elements, […] Read more »