Day 2 Highlights: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

Day 2 Highlights: Science-Policy Panel to Contribute Further to the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste and to Prevent Pollution

Highlights of 31st January 2023

Discussions firmly focused on substantive issues. There was an initial exchange of views on the panel’s functions before delegates met in a contact group on scope and functions. In the evening, informal consultations were held between interested parties and the Secretariat to provide clarifications on the budget.

Preparations of Proposals for the Establishment of a Science-Policy Panel session focused on functions where many countries preferred following the functions as outlined, and worded, in UNEA Resolution 5/8 on the development of a science-policy panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution.
• horizon-scanning function
• assessment function
• communication, dissemination, and public awareness function
• information sharing function
• capacity-building function

During the discussion on Scope and Functions many delegates stressed the need to retain the suggested functions and focus on additional ones. Some delegates stressed that not all functions will be equally important to all member states and a discussion ensued on the scope and potential for prioritization. They also exchanged opinions on including health impacts; criteria to address socio-economic disparities; and addressing gaps not covered by existing conventions. A lengthy discussion took place on horizon scanning with some delegates suggesting defining the term in the context of the panel and others underscoring the need to identify future work areas, including emerging issues. Discussions continued into the night.

Deep Dive on functions focused on addressing existing and legacy issues through horizon scanning; developing a conceptual framework and a priority-setting process; addressing North-South asymmetries; and avoiding duplication.

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