Dinajpur Project

dinajpurESDO mainly targeted the indigenous communities in Dinajpur as because their culture were vulnerable the rapidly moving changes in social systems in Bangladesh. Also, they could hardly cope up with the environmental shifting mostly by the climatic shifting in the twentieth century. The activities and projects done in Dinajpur districts by ESDO are:

  • Capacity building programs with the Orao and Santal communities
  • Expanding ESDO’s Eco-Village project for Creating opportunities for tourists to experience the very unique culture of indigenous people in a peaceful natural settings in order to restore their cultural diversity
  • The indigenous communities, hence, are encouraged to revive their cultural norms, values and behaviors which were almost lost by the influence of mainstream population.

To mitigate climate change in this area the activities conducted by ESDO were:

Providing Environmental Education and training among all age groups on:

  • Conserving biodiversity,
  • Environmental awareness regarding climatic shift,
  • Changing agricultural pattern,
  • Sustainable land management and rehabilitation,
  • Sustainable and organic agriculture,
  • Capacity building and alternative income generation
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT),
  • Community knowledge dissemination
  • Adult literacy regarding climate change,
  • Distributing and training on how to make a environment friendly stove in order to minimize carbon emission by the traditional stoves
  • Distribution of solar lights



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