Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, colour, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. It will be achieved when everyone enjoys the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, and work.

The future of environmental justice rests on educating ourselves and our children to recognize that the key to a sustainable life is quality, not quantity. An eco-village is a right environment to begin this education and to reclaim the lost balance with the earth and within ourselves. ESDO recognizes that such a development intervention is essential to conserve the environment of Bangladesh, ensure the progression of the socioeconomic situation of communities, improve the health and well-being of community members, and to therefore eradicate poverty. This is a significant contribution toward Bangladesh achieving the Millennium Development Goals.

Pollution is addressed human rights and the protection of living creatures. So, violation of universal rights leads to environmental pollution, particularly plastic pollution. Plastic pollution impacted our environment through air, water and soil. So, we believe addressing environmental justice can lead to improving the condition of plastic pollution.

Environmental Governance

According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) governing our planet’s rich and diverse natural resources is an increasingly complex challenge. In our globalised world of interconnected nations, economies and people, managing environmental threats, particularly those that cross political borders such as air pollution and biodiversity loss, will require new global, regional, national and local responses involving a wide range of stakeholders.

Effective environmental governance at all levels is critical for finding solutions to these challenges. Environmental Governance comprises the rules, practices, policies and institutions that shape how humans interact with the environment. Good environmental governance takes into account the role of all actors that impact the environment. From governments to NGOs, the private sector and civil society, cooperation is critical to achieving effective governance that can help us move towards a more sustainable future.

Environment and Social Development Organization has been working relentlessly to promote environmental justice and governance. Particularly with the program of Eco village, zero waste village and community-based eco-tourism ESDO hopes to implement environmental justice and governance in Bangladesh. Under the umbrella of Eco-village program ESDO has the project of-

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