ESDO Celebrated Earth Day 2018

ESDO Celebrated Earth Day 2018

Dhaka, 22 April, 2018: Alarmed Youths called for an urgent action to ban plastic products. A mobile campaign was organized by Environment & Social development Organization-ESDO on  22 April to celebrate “Earth Day”. This year people are being encouraged to reduce their plastic consumption and use more eco-friendly materials.

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in more than 193 countries are now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. This year the theme for earth day is “End Plastic Pollution”. As ESDO  is an environmental organization and working since 1990 againts plastic pollution in Bangladesh, It celebrated Earth Day through a mobile campaign and signature campaign.

At first a group of ESDO members started their campaign from ESDO head office heading towards National Press Club. Their they stayed for sometimes, gave slogans- “Say No to Plastic”, “Ban Plastic Bags”, “Save the Environment, Save the Earth” etc. They went to different spots of capital city Dhaka and did the campaign.

At the same time the signature campaign was also conducted. Youth members of ESDO described local people the impact of single use plastic and plastic pollution and make them understand the necessity of an immediate ban on single used plastic.


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