ESDO launched #NoSachet Campaign

ESDO launched #NoSachet Campaign

To launch the “No Sachet Campaign” & raise public awareness about the hazardous environmental consequences of using single-use plastic sachets and motivate mass people to stop using them, Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) held a day-long mobile and signature campaign to gain public support for banning all single-use plastic products including sachets on May 28, 2022, at multiple locations around Dhaka city.
The campaign started off around 10 a.m. from TSC, University of Dhaka. Through this campaign, ESDO team consist of four members and two volunteers gathered public opinion on the hazardous consequences of single-use plastic sachets. The vast majority of people appreciated ESDO’s efforts and expressed their worry about the harmful impacts of sachets on the environment, recommending that manufacturers seek out alternatives and modify their goods. They requested the government to pass legislation prohibiting single-use plastics, such as sachets, and encouraging product redesign and showed solidarity by providing their signature for banning all single-use plastic products. Mass people also much appreciated the recent gazette published by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change regarding phasing out single-use plastic from the exposed coastal zone by 2023
ESDO will continue this campaign, and please share this message & let the mass people know how a small mini packet can be harmful to the environment and to our health.


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