ESDO Statement on Listing of Chemicals in Annex III to the Convention: Chrysotile is asbestos at BRS COPs

ESDO Statement on Listing of Chemicals in Annex III to the Convention: Chrysotile is asbestos at BRS COPs

The BRS Triple COP, comprising the 16th meeting of the COP to the Basel Convention, the 11th meeting of the COP to the Rotterdam Convention, and the 11th meeting of the COP to the Stockholm Convention, convene in May 2023 that is currently taking place in Geneva, Switzerland from May 1 to 12.

On 9th May, on behalf of ESDO, Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO provided a statement focusing on six natural mineral fibers that are referred to collectively as asbestos. In her speech she mainly addressed Chrysotile has been linked to other forms of cancer, like cancer of the lungs, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer related to asbestos exposure, as well as cancer of the ovaries.

She also pressed the need to conduct additional research to prove the link between asbestos and asbestos-related diseases.

Read the Full Statment


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