ESDO Urges to Stop illegal Plastic Waste Trade and Transboundary Movement

ESDO Urges to Stop illegal Plastic Waste Trade  and Transboundary Movement

Waste import is prohibited in Bangladesh as per the import policy. However, huge transboundary movements and illegal trading is happening. It was found that, around 1.2 million tons of plastic waste were shipped to Bangladesh in 3 years from the United States and UK. Malaysian authorities sent back a total of 150 containers imported from 13 countries including Bangladesh as the consignment had non-recyclable plastic. Today in a press briefing ESDO unveil its recent study on Toxic plastic waste: situation of disposal, management and trade of Bangladesh.
To release this study finding, ESDO, in collaborated with IPEN organized a media briefing on 11th February, 2021 at ESDO head head office and also on online platform Zoom.
Honorable Chairman of ESDO and Former Secretary of Government of Bangladesh, Syed Marghub Murshed Sir, Technical Advisor of ESDO and Former Additional IGP of Bangladesh Police, Md. Mokhlesur Rahman sir, IPEN South Asian Hub Coordinator, Tripti Arora madam, Secretary General of ESDO, Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Executve Director of ESDO, Siddika Sultana madam along with our journalist friends and ESDO team were present at the event.


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