ESDO’s Statement for BRS Regional Meeting

ESDO’s Statement for BRS Regional Meeting

The goal of the regional preparatory meetings is to support the conferences of the Parties (COPs) in 2023 in having successful meetings by providing regions with the opportunity to consult with one another beforehand, consider meeting materials, discuss substantive issues, pinpoint regional priorities and challenges, and facilitate the formulation of regional positions.

Currently, ESDO’s Secretary-General Dr. Shahriar Hossain is attending the BRS regional meeting for COPs in Bangkok, Thailand. On behalf of ESDO, he submitted a statement focusing on the presence of PFAS compounds in the environment, food, and human serum as a cause for concern, as these chemicals are known to be hazardous to human health and the environment and ESDO’s study highlights of PFAS, Plastic waste in Bangladesh, its’ regulations and implementations,  lead pollution and its health risks, and E-waste management in Bangladesh.

See the full statement:


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