Expert Urge Government to Ratify Basel Ban Amendment

Expert Urge Government to Ratify Basel Ban Amendment

ESDO in association with Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives – GAIA has organized a Media Briefing on ‘Significance of implementing Basel Amendment to Stop Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Plastic Waste’ on 18th March 2021 in a city restaurant of Dhanmondi.
The session was inaugurated by Syed Marghub Morshed, Former Secretary Govt. of Bangladesh and Chairperson, ESDO along with David Azoulay, Managing Attorney of the Center for International Environmental Law’s (CIEL) Geneva Office and the Director of CIEL’s Environmental Health Program, Switzerland; Jim Puckett, Founder and Executive Director, Basel Action Network (BAN), USA; Sirine Rached, Global Policy Advocate, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives – GAIA, USA; Mr Moklusur Rahman, Former IGP; Dr Shahriar Hossain, Secretary-General, ESDO and Siddika Sultana, Executive Director, ESDO. The international guests had joined the session through the virtual platform Zoom.
In this session, all the speakers showed their concern about the problems associated with the illegal waste trade (especially plastic) in Bangladesh. And to solve this problem, they all consented to implement the Basel Ban Amendment. They urged the Government to take adequate initiatives to ratify the Basel Ban Amendment.
In this daylong event, there was also a session on media orientation on “Environmental Journalism and how to write a report on waste”.  At the closing Former Secretary Syed Marghub Murshed and Former Additional IGP Mr Moklusur Rahman awarded a certificate to the participants.


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