Highlights for 28 February 2023_IP4_SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020

Highlights for 28 February 2023_IP4_SAICM and the Sound Management of Chemicals and Waste Beyond 2020

Highlights for 28 February 2023

The delegates divided into thematic groups to work through text proposals on targets, mechanisms to support implementation and financial matters after a brief morning plenary to hear reports from Monday’s meetings and presentations of new text proposals for the post-2020 instrument for the sound management of chemicals and waste and associated Fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5) resolutions.

After the plenary, work focused for the rest of the day in three thematic groups (TGs). TG1 discussed possible modifications of draft targets A1 (national legal frameworks), A2 (code of conduct on chemicals and waste), A3 (implementation by companies of harm prevention/minimization measures), A4 (illegal trade and traffic), and A5 (export ban on domestically prohibited substances). TG1 also held a general discussion of the draft targets proposed under Strategic Objective B (comprehensive and sufficient knowledge, data, and information are generated, available, and accessible to all to enable informed decisions and actions).

TG2 discussed the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals proposal for three “implementation programs” under the post-2020 instrument and how to address issues of concern.

TG3 discussed draft paragraphs for the post-2020 instrument on the integrated approach to financing the sound management of chemicals and waste, mainstreaming this in national development plans, budgets, and relevant sector policies, and mainstreaming it into official development aid or assistance programs.

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