‘International plastic bag free day, 03 July, 2018’ Let’s obey the law, eliminate plastic bags

‘International plastic bag free day, 03 July, 2018’ Let’s obey the law, eliminate plastic bags

Dhaka, 03 July, 2018: On the eve of ‘International plastic bag free day, 03 July, 2018’ a mobile campaign was organized by Environment & Social development Organization-ESDO. Organized a Human Chain yesterday at TSC, Press Club and in front of National Parliament in Dhaka to create public awareness. Some volunteers are also rejoiced this day.

Modern life can be thinkable without plastic. So this day should be an opportunity to spread that we can live without it and make our environment plastic bag free. This year’s motto is to obey the law and rules to eliminate plastic bags. The day is celebrated through a mobile campaign.

In 1989, Under the leadership of Dr. Shahriar Hossain a few enthusiastic people initiated anti-polythene campaigning  After that individual initiative got organizational base by founding Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO. After long efforts ESDO is succeeded to ban the production and use of polythene in January 1, 2002 in Dhaka city and March 1, 2002 in countrywide. ESDO also received world-wide recognition for the commitment and success of the campaign – Australia, India, Pakistan, United States of America, Japan, and European countries, have either recognized or followed ESDO’s initiative.

By tackling the use of plastic bags at the source and by obeying law, the International Plastic Bag                          campaign reaffirms the need to reduce the amount of waste we are generating. ESDO also has been encouraging people for using jute bags instead of plastic bags.


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