International Plastic Bag Free Day- E-poster Launch

International Plastic Bag Free Day- E-poster Launch

On the occasion of international plastic bag free day 2020, ESDO has formally launched an e-poster with a view to heightening awareness regarding the implementation of plastic bag ban regulation worldwide.

The plastic bag is the single most issue of plastic pollution and marine litter globally and relating to coronavirus, COVID-19 virus transmits through plastic bags and other single-use plastics. And for that reason on the occasion of “International Plastic bag free day 2020”, experts and activists from around the world emphasize on plastic bag ban regulation and enforcement.

On July 3rd, 2020, ESDO arranged a webinar to discuss the significance of International Plastic Free Bag day and to promote and support a plastic bag free world for the greater sake of public health and welfare. ESDO also launched a poster regarding to the topic.


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