Introductory Session on ‘Plastic Free Campus Initiative’

Introductory Session on ‘Plastic Free Campus Initiative’

Environment and Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Break Free From Plastic (BFFP), Philippines has launched a new campus awareness program named- Break Free From Plastic Campus which is a global movement that urges schools to band together and commit to going plastic-free. This project aims to measurably reduce plastic pollution on school campuses, with a special focus on the reduction and ultimately the elimination of plastic bottles, plastic straws and utensils, and plastic food packaging.

In regards to that, ESDO organized an Introductory session on ‘Plastic free Campus Initiative’ for the students and teachers to give them a clear view of the initiative.

Teachers and students from YWCA Higher Secondary Girls’ School, Summerfield International School, Lalmatia Housing Society School and College and RCCI Public School and College were present at the event.


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