Memorandum of Understanding Between ESDO and BDS Extended Upto 2020

Memorandum of Understanding Between ESDO and BDS Extended Upto 2020

12 April, 2018: The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO and Bangladesh Dental Society (BDS) was extended to 2020, the very first version of which was signed earlier on 26 April, 2016. The most predominant focus of this joint memorandum was to establish a concrete regulation to ban amalgam use, import and sale along with the revision and adoption of alternatives in academic curricula by 2020. The extension event was organized on 12 April, 2018 at ESDO office (8/1, 5th floor, Block-C, Lalmatia, Dhaka).

The MoU was previously signed for joint action to eliminate “Mercury dental Amalgam” from dentistry sector in Bangladesh by 2018 between the two renowned associations. Through this current extension BDS and ESDO entered into an agreement to act jointly for the complete eradication of mercury amalgam in dental treatment throughout Bangladesh by 2020.

On behalf of the two organizations, the MoU was signed by Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul, Secretary General of BDS and Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO. A shared understanding among Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO and Bangladesh Dental Society (BDS) was represented through this signing.

The objectives behind this MoU are followed:

  • Promote improving policy and enabling mechanisms.
  • Promote community-based strategies that reduce mercury amalgam exposure.
  • Promote access to mercury free alternative filling materials and support.


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