Mobile Campaign to Observe Plastic-Free July

Mobile Campaign to Observe Plastic-Free July

To observe the Plastic-free July, a day-long mobile campaign was Environment and Social Development Organization- ESDO on July 8, 2023, in various locations in Dhaka city. An engaging message of “Combat plastic pollution” was successfully disseminated across this mobile campaign to increase awareness of the urgent need to stop plastic pollution.

The Plastic Free Foundation, a global organization working to rid the world of plastic waste, has launched Plastic Free July. Since its inception in 2011, the internationally recognized Plastic Free July movement has developed, enabling millions of people to reduce their use of plastic and help clean up our streets, seas, and communities.

ESDO conducted this mobile campaign to spread knowledge about the hazards of plastic, enlighten people about the global plastic treaty, and rally support for initiatives to halt plastic pollution. At 9.30 am, the campaign kicked off at TSC, University of Dhaka. Throughout this campaign, the ESDO team divided into various groups to collect feedback from the general population regarding the dangers of plastic and conduct interviews. The majority of respondents expressed appreciation for the ESDO’s work and worry about the negative effects plastic trash has on the environment. They urged the government to quickly halt plastic manufacture and make its replacement goods widely accessible to the public.

The spontaneous participation of the people in this day-long mobile campaign was significant. While many individuals were initially unaware of the Global Plastic Treaty, they expressed their support for the agreement upon being informed about it. The campaign started at TSC and made its way through the National Press Club, Hatirjheel, Gulshan, and Shangshod Bhavan, ultimately reaching Dhanmondi Lake at 4:30 pm.


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