Movement for Amalgam Phase Down turned Strong in Global Workshop

Movement for Amalgam Phase Down turned Strong in Global Workshop

Bangkok, 14 May, 2018: A vital voice against mercury dental amalgam has been raised through a global workshop held in CRI Center Bangkok, Thailand. The prestigious workshop was coordinated by UN Environment and World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry. Promoting Dental Amalgam Phase down Measures under the Minamata Convention and Other Initiatives, For “Especially Women, Children, and, through Them, Future Generations” is the foremost focus of this workshop. A total of 25 countries called for the world to act on Mercury Amalgam, the death-dealing dental filling material during the workshop.

The two day long workshop was segmented into different sections. The first day program was scheduled with the introduction of the distinguished guests, welcoming remarks, overview of the Minamata Convention provisions & related UN environment initiatives, discussion regarding health and environmental impacts of dental amalgam, consultation on the range of measures available to phase down the use of dental amalgam.

At the beginning Mr. Shahriar Hossain, Executive Vice President of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry and Workshop Co-chair, welcomed the participants. He then introduced Ms. Desiree Narvaez, UN Environment, who recognized dental amalgam as an environmental issue and the need for this workshop.

Mr. Erik Solheim, Executive Director, UN Environment, delivered his speech through a video clip where he highlighted the environmental impact caused by mercury in Japan and how this tragedy pushed to take action by finally entering into force the Minamata Convention. He noted that Mercury release without safeguards puts everyone at risk especially children being the most vulnerable. He mentioned that the Montreal Protocol was the model agreement for the 20th century and suggested to make the Minamata a model for the 21st century.

Prof. Dr. HumayunKabir Bulbul, Secretary General, Bangladesh dental Society; Siddika Sultana, Executive Director, Environment and Social Development Organization, participated at the workshop from Bangladesh. As Bangladesh is a signatory country of Minamata Convention, this workshop will boost up the mercury dental amalgam phasing out activities from dentistry sector in Bangladesh.


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