National Workshop on Harmful Effects of Mercury added Products on Health and Environment

National Workshop on Harmful Effects of Mercury added Products on Health and Environment

Dhaka, 12th September, 2019: Mercury containing skin lightening cream flooded in Dhaka market; that has the potential risk to health and environment. Considering the severe health threats posed by mercury, manufacture and use of mercury added products should be strictly prohibited. Focusing on the issue, an awareness and consultation workshop entitled ‘’Harmful effects of Mercury Added Products on health and Environment” was jointly organized by Department of Environment (DoE) and Environmental and Social Development Organization (ESDO) Thursday at National Press Club, Dhaka. Upon the revelation of high level of mercury containment in the ready available skin lightening products in Bangladesh, the participants urged for immediate preventive actions in this regard for the sake of public health and environmental protection.

The workshop revealed present scenario of mercury toxicity of skin lightening products in Bangladesh and emphasized the urgency of taking preventive measures. Former Secretary of People’s Republic of Bangladesh and the Chairperson of ESDO Syed Magrub Murshed graced the event as the Chief Guest. He solicited the authority to take preventive initiatives in outlawing the manufacture and use of mercury added products in Bangladesh by saying that “Being a signatory nation of Minamata Convention, we are committed to prevent mercury poisoning and hence have to step towards banning mercury at its source “.However, in this regard, Ratification of Minamata Convention on Mercury had been greatly stressed by majority of the consultants present in the workshop.

Poisoning resulted from the use of mercury added products is an emerging global health concern. Mercury is contained in various products of our regular use including – batteries, thermometers and barometers, electric switches and relays in equipment, CFL bulbs, dental amalgam (for dental filling) and even in cosmetics, jewelries and pharmaceuticals. Inorganic mercury is added to skin lightening products in significant amounts that is hazardous to human health. Several studies of ESDO in 2017 and 2018 found that, majority of the skin lightening creams available in Bangladeshi markets contain incredibly high concentration of mercury (ranging from 711 to 16353 ppm) while the recommended level for this highly toxic metal in skin products is only 1 ppm. As per the opinion of the specialists, presence of highly dangerous level of mercury in skin lightening cream may cause skin rashes, skin discoloration and scarring, a reduction in skin’s resistance to bacterial or fungal infections and eventually result in skin cancer in the long run.

Once released into the environment, mercury can be transformed into toxic chemicals such as methyl mercury. These substances travel through food chain and eventually get bio-accumulated. Methyl mercury is a neurotoxicant: it can damage the developing brain as it crosses the placental and blood-brain barriers easily. The
threat to the unborn caused by mercury is, therefore, of particular concern. It can also trigger depression and suicidal tendencies, paralysis, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s disease, speaking and vision impairment, allergies etc.
The workshop was chaired by Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General at ESDO. Farida Yeasmin, General Secretary of National Press Club was present as the Guest of Honor. However, Moklesur Rahman, Former Additional IGP, Bangladesh Police and Dr. Rowshan Mumtaz, Director, CERM, BUET were the panel speakers of the discussion session. The presentation was delivered by Professor Dr. Md. Abul Hashem, Former Professor, Department of Chemistry, Jahangirnagar University.

Session Chair Dr. Shahriar Hossain emphasized on phasing out the use of mercury in products, particularly in skin lightening creams, through raising public awareness as well as through implementation and enforcement of policy regulations. He said, “Policy intervention to phase out the use of mercury in products is required before the problem gets irreversible. But prior to that, we need to raise mass awareness about the harmful impacts of mercury added products and encourage people to boycott their use considering their significantly detrimental health impacts. ’’
Guest of Honor Farida Yeasmin appreciated the efforts of ESDO and DoE in mitigating the use of mercury added products in Bangladesh and expressed her hope that such workshops may serve as important steps towards initiating policy dialogues in banning the use of mercury in products.

Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO, expressed her concern saying that, “Skin-lightening creams containing mercury directly affect our skin and their long-term use increases the risk of kidney complications, digestive system, immune and nervous systems.” She urged to phase out mercury toxicity in products.

Use of Mercury in products has already been banned in many countries of the world. But, Bangladesh lacks specific guidelines for restricting mercury use in products and also regarding the proper and safe disposal of mercury containing products. Moreover, ratification of the Minamata Convention on Mercury may serve as an important initial step in phasing out the use of mercury added products in Bangladesh.

The workshop was attended by nearly 100 stakeholders from different sectors including experts, activists, academicians, policy makers, media and general mass.


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