Our Success

Ban Plastic Bags

Huge Use of Banned Poly Bags during COVID-19 In the first year of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the usage of polythene bags has been drastically increased in spite of the fact that the Government of Bangladesh has banned both production and usage of polythene bags in 2002. During the ongoing crisis of COVID-19, disposable polythene bags […]

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Regaining Indigenous Communities’ Land Rights

A significant area of river bank of Rajshahi has eroded. As a result, the mainstream people also the indigenous people lost land. Eventually,  the mainstream people were found to grab the land of some indigenous communities  especially Santals, an ancient tribal group, which is also a powerless minority group in Rajshahi. The contribution of ESDO […]

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Pollutant Free Vehicle

From 1995-2002 ESDO raised mass awareness and intercepted policy with a nation-wide campaign, “We want 2-stroke vehicle-free streets”. The study conducted by ESDO found that carbon monoxide, methane, nitrous oxide and lead were emitted from 2-stroke vehicles, with serious environmental and health consequences. The campaign began in 1995 through mass awareness raising and progressed with […]

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Mercury Free Dentistry in Bangladesh

All countries from developed to developing and under-develop to economic in-transition are faced with the common challenge of providing safe, quality and affordable healthcare. With this, the priority of the dental care ignored by the developing and under developing nations. The idea of mercury-free dentistry still just has had in very little in professional level […]

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