Report Launching and Media Briefing on ‘Toxic Chemcials in kids stationaries: Phthalates in Erasers

Report Launching and Media Briefing on ‘Toxic Chemcials in kids stationaries: Phthalates in Erasers

Phthalates are a group of chemicals used to make plastics more durable. These are toxic to human health and children can be considered as the most vulnerable group. However, this toxic compound is widely used as additives in a range of plastics and other consumer products including kid’s stationaries.

Environment & Social Development Organization – ESDO in association with Wonjin Institute for Occupational and Environmental Health, Seoul, Korea conducted a study to evaluate the presence of phthalates in erasers. A media briefing was held on 14th March 2022 from 11.30 AM to 1:00 PM through the online platform Zoom to highlight the findings of the report which will show the types of phthalates particles found in the erasers.

Honorable Chairperson of ESDO, Syed Marghub Murshed, Former Secretary of the Government of Bangladesh graced the event as the Chief Guest. Md. Moniruzzaman, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change was present as Guest of Honor at the event. Dr. Yun-Keun Lee, Executive Director, Wonjin Institute for Occupational & Environmental Health (WIOEH) joined the event as Guest Speaker, and Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Project Coordinator, Environmental Intervention Unit, icddr,b joined as a guest speaker.

Representatives from other South Asian Countries were present who were also contributors to this project.

Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General of ESDO moderated the open discussion session, Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO provided a closing remark, and Hridita Ferdous, Assistant Program Officer of ESDO presented a thematic presentation.

Besides, representatives from Govt. officials, organizations, participants from national international organizations, print, and electronic media journalists were present at the event.


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