School Awareness Program Ujampur Government Primary School, Uttarkhan, Dhaka

School Awareness Program Ujampur Government Primary School, Uttarkhan, Dhaka

On 29th of August, 2019 ESDO organized an environmental awareness campaign entitled “Environmental Education and Awareness Program” at Uzampur Government Primary School, Uttar khan, Dhaka.  A total number of 60 students participated in this program along with 7 teachers and few members from the local development committee. The campaign was launched at about 11 am and lasted for the next 4 consecutive hours. At the beginning of the campaign an introductory session was conducted through which a short description about ESDO and its activities was delivered to the students. The introductory session was followed by a presentation and question-answer session. The session intended to educate the children about the harmful impacts of environmental pollutants on human health and environment. Presentations were given specifically on micro plastic, lead and mercury pollution. Audio visual graphics were used to help the children learn in an interactive manner. At the end of the educative session, two competitions were held – poster presentation and short message development for Facebook post. The students spontaneously took part in both the competitions and exhibited tremendously satisfactory performances. At the end of the campaign, the students expressed their solidarity with ESDO to work towards establishing toxic free sustainable green Bangladesh.


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