UNEP & World Alliance Urges to Phasing-Down Dental Amalgam Use

UNEP & World Alliance Urges to Phasing-Down Dental Amalgam Use

Dead Sea, Jordan 9, March 2016- UNEP & World Alliance urges the government around the world to Phasing-Down Dental Amalgam Use. They emphasize on the national implementation plan for successfully implement the dental amalgam Phase-Down Measures of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, they revealed today on a side event of a UN mercury treaty meeting in Jordan.

UNEP and World Alliance jointly organized the side event on “Implementing Successful Strategies to Phase Down Amalgam Use” at King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Dead Sea, Jordan. Speakers highlighted the World Alliances Mercury-Free Dentistry initiatives in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Charlie Brown, President of the World Alliance says, setting up national objectives for minimizing amalgam use very important and promote mercury-free dental restorations, including raising public awareness of amalgam’s mercury content is urgent need to protect environment and public health. He said update dental school curricula to promote mercury-free dentistry, modify insurance, government programs to favor mercury-free dentistry and end amalgam use in children & pregnant women.UNEP-World Alliance Side event-INC7

Desiree Montecillo Narvaez, Programme Officer, UNEP Chemicals and Waste Branch Chaired the session. Dr. Lillian Ebuen, practicing dentist in the Philippines, Dr. Shahriar Hossain, environmental leader and journalist of Bangladesh, Maria Carcamo, environmentalist of Uruguay, Dominique Bally of JVE-Cote d’Ivoire, environmentalist were the speakers of the event.

Michel Bender of Mercury Policy Project, USA presented the overview of UNEP Brochure which contained lessons from countries phasing down dental amalgam use.

For more information, please contact:

Charlie Brown, President World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry
e-mail: charlie@mercury-free.org
Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Vice President World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry
e-mail: shahriar25@gmail.com


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