Upcoming Event of Lead in Paint: ILPPW 2021

Upcoming Event of Lead in Paint: ILPPW 2021

Lead is Neurotoxin heavy metal, present in our daily life through different sources. One of the ways of exposure is lead use in decorative paints in our home. Creating awareness against poisonous lead pollution through lead in paint, since 2012, every year ESDO takes part in ‘International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2021’, an initiative of the International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) jointly led by the World Health Organization (WHO).
ESDO is relentlessly trying to encourage and involve young generation to raise awareness among them about health effects of lead exposure, and to prevent poisonous exposure, particularly in children; and to facilitate the urge for further action to eliminate leaded paint through regulatory action. In last few years, ESDO celebrated this week by arranging different competitions involving students from school to college. However, this year, we have come up with a more interesting and innovative way to observe this week of action. We are going to involve running university students to participate in a competition where they will present their thoughts in selected topics on ‘lead in paint’.
The registration will be open from 1st to 15th September and at the time of registration, the participants will get all the information and the materials of the event. Then the registered participants have to submit their presentation on selected topic within 10th October and will get notification of selection on 12th October. Afterwards, the first round of the competition (pre-selection webinar) will be on 16th October with the presence of honorable judges including academicians and experts from different universities. The final round will be on 20th October 2021 where the selected participants will present their presentation to honorable guest from national and international organizations.


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