Vietnam Moving Forward to Ban Dental Amalgam Use by 2020

Vietnam Moving Forward to Ban Dental Amalgam Use by 2020

Vietnamese Health Service Administration Department recommended to stop use of dental amalgam to children under age of 15, pregnant women and lactating women by 1st April 2019. They also recommend developing a road map to stop amalgam use in dentistry by 1st January 2020.
A successful high level meeting was conducted on yesterday (06th March,2019) in the Department of Health, Ministry of Health, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Among others, President of World Alliance Mercury Free Dentistry, Attorney Charlie Brown, Executive Director of ESDO and Director of Asian Center for Environmental Health, Ms. Siddika Sultana were attended the meeting.
The Health Department has organized high level meeting and invited World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry, Asian Center for Environmental Health and CCHIP to represent their expert opinion.

From Center for Community health and Injury prevention, Prof. Nga and Mr. Lien To; Assoc. Prof. Luong Ngoc Khue, Director General of Health Service Administration department; Mr. Thang (Le Viet Thang), Representative of Vietnam Chemicals Agency; Prof. Huong, DG and Mr. Dung, Head of Division of Chemicals and Community Health management Agency; Prof. Hai, president and Dr. Ha Representative of Vietnam Odonto – Stomatology Association; Dr. Khanh, president of Ho Chi Minh Odonto – Stomatology Association; Prof. Hai – Director (also president of VOSA) and Dr. Ha – Deputy director of National Hospital of Odonto – Stomatology in Hanoi were atended the meeting .
Representative of Division of Health services – Health Inspection – Health Prevention – Health Service Administration department, Representative of the School of Odonto-Stomatology of Hanoi Medical University, Representative of Faculty of of Odonto-Stomatology, Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy also kept their valuable opinión on this meeting.


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