Webinar on “Youth Participation towards Single-Used Plastic and to Build Zero Waste Community”

Webinar on “Youth Participation towards Single-Used Plastic and to Build Zero Waste Community”

ESDO in association with Plastic Solution Fund-PSF has organized a Webinar on “Developing Environmental Awareness and Eco-Friendly Behavior” on 31st January 2021. The session aimed to encourage youth for initiating responsiveness for abandoning the use of Single Plastic to support zero waste community. With this initiative, ESDO targeted to find out some promising environmental defenders (Institution-based or organization based) to contribute to the environment and establish a Green Club in their respective area in association with ESDO in near future.
Many Participants from different institutions such as; Daffodil University, Jagannath University, College of Home Economics, Dhaka University, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology etc. has shared their experiences and suggested a remarkable pathway for building eco-friendly behaviour among peoples. This zoom meeting was also attended by Dr. Shahriar Hossian, Secretary-General of ESDO, and Siddika Sultana, Executive Director of ESDO. There was an open discussion session as well where all the young representatives have shared their opinions and knowledge on how to reduce the use of plastic and how we can together work for sustainable living.


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