Youth Demanded Regulation to Ban All Leaded Paints in Bangladesh

Youth Demanded Regulation to Ban All Leaded Paints in Bangladesh

31st October, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Vestige from lead paint is still the number one source of childhood lead poisoning. Ban all leaded paints and implement the law accordingly, voice raised by a group of youth in Dhaka.ESDO organized a human chain on Saturday at 10.00 am, in front of the National Press Club, followed by a rally that ended in front of Raju Vashkorjo at Dhaka University.

Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) is celebrating 8th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week ILPPW-2020 in Bangladesh. The main focus of this event is to highlight the need to accelerate progress toward the global goal of phasing out lead paint through regulatory and legal measures. Hundreds of youth including of ESDO Team, Green Club, Girls Guide and other Volunteers from Daffodil University joined the human Chain with different banners, placards, festoons etc. and urged their voice to ban lead paints. This year, due to pandemic situation, the program was held maintaining social distance and wearing masks were mandatory.

Lead paint is one of the most widespread sources of childhood lead exposure and can cause permanent and irreversible brain damage in children’s developing brains. Lead paint can cause reduced intelligence quotient (IQ) and attention span, impaired learning ability, and increased risk of behavioral problems. There is no known level of lead exposure without harmful effects and we therefore need concerted efforts to prohibit lead in all types of paint.

International lead poisoning prevention week (ILPPW) is an initiative of the Lead Paint Alliance. The aim of the week of action is to raise awareness about health effects of lead exposure, highlight the efforts of countries and partners to prevent lead exposure, particularly in children; and urge further action to eliminate lead paint through regulatory action at country level.

In Bangladesh, ESDO is working to foster elimination of lead usage in paints and products since 2008. ESDO initiatives aims at creating awareness about the hazards and risks of lead, especially on the health of children and other vulnerable groups, and mobilize stakeholders’ support for the enactment of strong lead paint laws along with their effective enforcement.

For more information please contact:

Sayda Mehrabin Shejuti

Assistant Program Officer


Email :

Mobile : +8801557019412


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