Organic Farming in the Zero Waste Villages

ESDO has a project named “Waste to resource towards zero waste village”. Its main vision is to build a model of environmentally safe and sustainable village. It is run basically under the project of Eco-village. Prior to the commencement of the zero waste village, waste was dumped indiscriminately across the village and the fields. Aside from the environmental and health impacts of open dumping, this was also a lost opportunity for the community to benefit from their waste resources.

Our approach is extreme poverty reduction and access to resource to ensure safe and sustainable livelihood.

Based on our waste survey, up to 85% of the waste produced in Molahan village each month is organic, from kitchen scraps and agricultural waste. Therefore compost is an essential part of the zero waste villages. The program provides technical assistance to allow the villages to produce high quality compost, which they can use on their fields or kitchen gardens and the excess can be sold at market for up to 35 taka per kilogram.

  • The project Trial /Error period was in the Year- 2013 , Piloting the project-2014 , Replication of Model village among others/ Implementing other activities towards Zero Waste Village [ 2015- 2017]

Project Objectives

  • Raising awareness among rural communities on conservation of nature
  • Generating alternative income sources
  • Enhancing cultural exchange ( societal norms and values)
  • Increasing sensitivity to social responsibilities to the underprivileged groups
  • Building zero waste villages

Activities under Zero Waste Village Project

  • Domestic waste management
  • Children literacy program
  • Environmental education camp for children and adult
  • Health camps in different villages
  • Awareness campaign for toxic free village
  • Skills and capacity building
  • Alternative income generation activities

Benefits of the Project:

  • Improve the health safety of every household;
  • Practice Hygiene habits;
  • Decrease the Health Problem Expenditure
  • Improve the nutrition;
  • Increase Income Generation;
  • Environmental Protection & Reduction of pollution;
  • Change in the pattern of Livelihoods;

Initiatives of ESDO:

  • Community mobilization: awareness, capacity building, skills and knowledge sharing
  • Develop leadership and create community organization
  • Enhance the community skills through indigenous practices and knowledge sharing
  • Introduce house hold waste management and composting unite
  • Setup community waste resource center
  • Introduce and encourage organic farming
  • Provide marketing skills and linking with market and buyers.
  • Provide environmental and health education
  • Provide knowledge and skills on commune farming
  • Establish Zero Waste village
  • Endorsement and replication

Current scenario:

Solid Waste Management: Community organization: “Lahanti Foundation” [established in August 2011 and this organization runs this project under the technical and financial help of ESDO]

The community run, Zero Waste Resource Center goes beyond selling recyclable materials, by training villages to up-cycle materials for new purposes

Significant outcomes:

  • Increase awareness level
  • Community cooperation and unity is now very strong
  • Reduce water and air born diseases, skin and other health problem up to 40%
  • Health expenses reduce 40-60%
  • Domestic and kitchen gardening expenses reduce 70%
  • 90% Organic vegetable production in the project area
  • Cleanliness and Health hygiene achieve targeted line 90%
  • Extra income 10-15% add to monthly income
  • Savings up to 30% of the total income
  • Motivation towards commune farming

Current Scenario:

ESDO visited village Chorkadhoho, Gurudhahpur, Natore at May 17, 2011 to initiate “Organic Farming” system.

After visiting two adult literacy school of Hatiandah ecovillage we went back Dhaka. The program was successfully compiled and ESDO took decision to establish there 4th ecovillage at Hatianda, as positive responses were found from farmers.


  • Create awareness among the farmers about the chemical hazard of existing farming system.
  • Introduce farmers with Organic Farming System.
  • Create initiatives among farmers to take Organic Farming System.

All of 54 farmers were presented in the meeting listened attentively the presentation and asked different question related to topic. Among the farmer immediately establishment of a “Local Library” and an “Adult Literacy School” was proposed and Dr. Hossain Shahriar, Secretary General, ESDO accept their proposal. He proposed the each present farmer to give 50 tk for their library and they agreed. Then he announced to give 2000 tk for their library.

ESDO successfully completed the meeting with farmers of Gurudashpur, Natore. Farmers were happy to know about organic farming and they are influenced to take the system. Based on farmers response ESDO team is going to open their 4th ecovillage at Gurudashpur.This achievement promotes the level of expectation. So, it is an obvious thing that ESDO team will give their best effort to do much better next time.


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