A consultation on joint initiatives for ‘Mercury Free Dentistry in Bangladesh’ between ESDO and Bangladesh Dental Society (BDS) was held on 4th of August, 2016 at ESDO’s head office. Chairperson of ESDO, Syed Marghub Murshed, Secretary General, Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Executive Director, Siddika Sultana, President of BDS, Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Kasem, Secretary General Dr. Humayun Kabir Bulbul, and other members of BDS participated the consultation session. The meeting agenda were Dental curriculum, Regulation- joint petition to prime minister to Ban Amalgam, Mercury free dentists database development, A joint workshop of ESDO and BDS. The core decisions made in the consultation are:
- A joint request letter from ESDO and BDS will be sent to the Center of Medical Education to revise the dental school curriculum.
- The group of dental professors, lecturers who teach the relevant subjects related to mercury dental amalgam will be gathered and assembled.
- Joint petition to prime minister to ban Amalgam will be submitted. CC would be given to Ministry of Health and Ministry of Environment and Forest.
- BDS will designate focal persons of dental colleges to expedite the development of mercury free dentists database.
- A workshop can be planned for December where outputs of ESDO and BDS’ joint initiatives will be focused.