5 April, 2018: An orientation program was arranged for a group of 10 youths who have joined ESDO as volunteers on Thursday. All the youths are members of Bangladesh Girl Guides Association from different study background. ESDO team introduced them with ESDO’s activities, goals, current projects, action strategies as well as the sectors where their involvement is necessary. A daylong orientation program was arranged with a theme ‘Green Youths for a Toxic-Free World’.
As an action based organization ESDO always conducts study/research, campaigns and events to reach people and promote activities. For the proper implementation of ESDO’s projects and to reach it’s goal ESDO has decided to create a volunteer pool who will assist the ESDO team throughout the year in different project activities. Keeping this in mind ESDO requested Bangladesh Girl Guides Association to provide 10 girls as volunteers. After getting the confirmed list of the volunteers, the orientation program was arranged. During the event, there were introductory session, session on ESDO’s activities and current projects and two team building exercises.
The objective of the orientation program was not only to guide volunteers for their future involvement with ESDO but also to make them aware of the environmental issues that ESDO is dealing with. Under ‘Environmental Education’ program ESDO runs a project entitled ‘Green Youth Citizen’, which aims at involving youths to act for a toxic free greener world. ESDO believes this volunteer pool will help ESDO to make the world greener.