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The Additional Secretary od ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC), Bangladesh Visited the Plastic Free Campuses in Rangpur

ESDO’s Plastic-Free Campus Initiative: Transforming Schools into Eco-Friendly Zones!

On April 28th, Dr. Khanom embarked on a special journey to Rangpur Government Girls’ High School and Rangpur Zilla School, where students are taking the lead against plastic pollution as part of ESDO’s Plastic-Free Campus project!

Dr. Khanom was deeply impressed by the remarkable efforts of the students, who are actively engaged in ESDO’s plastic-free campus project. At Rangpur Government Girls’ High School, she observed informative materials scattered across the campus and witnessed engaging campaigns designed to educate fellow students and guardians. Meanwhile, Rangpur Zilla School demonstrated their commitment through a dynamic PowerPoint presentation, showcasing their initiatives in raising awareness and maintaining a clean campus.

Dr. Khanom attentively listened to the students’ presentations, offering words of encouragement and support. She also addressed the challenges they encountered, proposing solutions and pledging assistance from local authorities.

ESDO’s vision transcends schools—it’s about cultivating environmentally conscious communities throughout Bangladesh. Through our zero waste management project, we’re dedicated to establishing healthier, more sustainable villages.

Our plastic-free campus initiative aims to empower the next generation of environmental leaders, encouraging them to reject single-use plastics and embrace a waste-free lifestyle. Together, we’re forging a brighter, greener future for all!

Join us in our mission to create a cleaner, greener world. Together, we can make a difference!

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