ESDO have been campaigning successfully for many years to aware people of the adverse effect of Single-use plastic items on both our environment and human health. It has involved a lot of work in collaboration with various international organizations and we wish to keep working until we get proper legislation for a nationwide ban on the usage and manufacture of single-use plastic items. With a view to that, ESDO drafted a roadmap to phase out single-used plastic items strategically.
To share this roadmap and to receive expert opinions to enhance the work with expert’s knowledge about making our environment sustainable, ESDO organized an Expert Consultation on “Roadmap to Phase Out Single-use Plastics from Bangladesh” on 22nd August 2021 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM online platform Zoom.
Representatives from the Government and Academicians from different universities such as Dhaka University, Jagannath University, Aarhus University of Denmark, and Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology were present at the event.