Green Club for Youth and Children Initiative to Protect & Conserve Natural Ecosystem


Green Club is a voluntary group aimed at involving students in activities that improve their understanding and stewardship of the environment. By providing a platform for young people to organize themselves, Green Club enables students and youth to delve deeper into environmental issues and actively work towards enhancing their immediate surroundings. Through various educational and practical activities, Green Club members gain valuable knowledge and skills. The primary goal is to develop the second generation of environmental leaders by raising awareness and encouraging proactive behavior among teachers, students, and the community.

Mission and Vision

Mission: To create environmental awareness and instill eco-friendly habits among students and teachers, promoting the protection and conservation of the natural ecosystem.

Vision: To develop a second generation of environmentally conscious leaders who actively participate in preserving and improving their surroundings.


  • To encourage sustainable practices that make the school eco-friendly.
  • To work towards maintaining a single-use plastic-free campus.
    To increase interest and knowledge about environmental conservation among students.
  • To educate on the economic, cultural, scientific, and aesthetic value of biodiversity (flora and fauna).
  • To provide opportunities to acquire the skills, attitudes, and values needed to protect the environment.
  • To assist in the conservation and protection of scenic areas and wildlife sanctuaries.

Formation of Green Club

  1. Selection Process:
    Identify and select 50 students who have shown interest and participated in the Plastic-Free Campus Education Camp.
    Appoint two teachers who are passionate about environmental issues to act as guides.
  2. Committee Formation:
    Convene a meeting to form an initial committee for 6 months. This committee will include the 7 student representatives and the 2 guiding teachers.
    Define roles and responsibilities within the committee to ensure smooth functioning.
  3. Recruitment:
    Conduct an awareness campaign within the school to engage an additional 50 students.
    Hold informational sessions to explain the club’s objectives and activities, encouraging more students to join.
  4. Initial Activities:
    Plan and execute initial activities and projects to maintain enthusiasm and demonstrate the club’s purpose.
  5. Long-Term Planning:
    Develop a two-year activity plan outlining major events, projects, and initiatives.
    Set measurable goals and objectives to track progress and impact.
  6. Review and Adaptation:
    After the initial 6 months, review the club’s progress and make necessary adjustments.

Activities of Green Club

  1. Environmental Day Observation:
    Celebrate major environmental days like World Environment Day and World Ocean Day, either individually or in collaboration with ESDO.
  2. Brand Audit:
    Conduct annual or biannual brand audits to keep the locality clean and raise awareness about proper waste management.
  3. Eco-Theatre:
    Arrange drama or game sessions on environmental issues for public awareness.
  4. Field Trips:
    Organize annual eco-educational field trips with the help of the school authority.
    Youth Leadership
  5. Training:
    Organize leadership workshops, seminars, and conferences to develop the second generation of environmental leaders.

Further Steps

  • Formal formation of the club committee by the school authority.
    ESDO will provide guidelines to the committee post-formation.
  • Club members will actively participate in environmental educational programs.
  • The club committee will update ESDO quarterly on their activities.
    Club members will select Environmental Ambassadors.
  • Club members will participate in ESDO’s awareness campaigns for knowledge and experience.
  • To participate in the national and global policy arena, the science interface for environmental justice and human rights.


Green Club is an essential initiative to foster environmental consciousness and leadership among students. Through its structured activities and objectives, it aims to create a significant positive impact on the environment and community. With active participation and continuous support from ESDO and the school authority, the Green Club will be a driving force in cultivating eco-friendly habits and environmental stewardship in the next generation.